Bliceq - Comments

#482745 Change my second team to another division
6 years ago
2 weeks ago
As far as I know, it cannot be edited in a game save that's already underway. If your second team performs well in its league, it could get promoted to a higher division, if a league structure like that exists in the nation your teams are based in. (I'm not sure of the current rules on that in Germany.) Most B-team leagues have a proper league table that can be studied to see if they're close to promotion (if that's an option at all) or not.

Another way would be to move your second team into the division you want in the editor BEFORE starting a new game save.

Unfortunately I'm not aware of any easier ways to make it happen.

How can I do this before the game? I cant load the souritousi database into the pre game editor somehow...
#482736 Change my second team to another division
6 years ago
2 weeks ago
I want to edit my second team from FC Bayern München to another league so they get better matches they can play in. Is it possible to reedit the souritousi database? If yes, how? I'm pretty much a noob in this.
Thx for help.