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#665338 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
Hello, I had a strange thing happening in my save. I've started with Vasco da Gama in Brazilian Serie B with all files loaded and installed correctly. After playing a little bit in the first two or three days (IRL), I've paused because of work… when I went to play it again, the game started to show the club names with 3 letters.
I have reinstalled dbc/edt/lnc to see if it worked and it became even more bizarre, as almost every single team was correct, but Athletico Paranaense, Atlético Goianiense (Serie A) and Gremio Novorizontino (Serie C) were showing 3-letter names (CAP, ACG and GNV). I'm playing on gamepass, I feel like everytime I load the game, those files are going back to the original ones. There's something I can do? Now I've deleted the save and I'm going to start it again, but the chance of happening again is high.