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#671088 Retro Kits
Cheers, really appreciate it 👍
#670673 Retro Kits
Sorry to have clogged up this thread but have managed to track down the jerseys that I was missing, is there any chance anyone could turn them into useable kits for the game?
#670650 Retro Kits
Here are all the Utd kits I've managed to find. Unfortunately not yet been able to find the 06-07 jerseys yet, or some of the other 90's away kits. (Famous grey kit for example or the blue/white one from the same season)
#670596 Retro Kits
Cheers, thanks
#670538 Retro Kits
Some of the links at the start of the thread are dead, by any chance would people be able to upload some of the old Man Utd kits
Trying to build up a collection of all the Fergie time jerseys from 86 to 13, going to try do long term save a change the jerseys each year
#642814 Something wrong, downloaded Live Football Manager Data Update not working.
Having the same problem
#461524 SS'18-19 Download Pack update thread
#428562 [FM19] Extra File to Sortitoutsi Live Update!
#160466 Request a cutout of your own image for the manager avatar
#160459 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
His correct name and everything is appearing, but it's just the image that isnt showing up.
Edit - Ignore this, working perfectly now after this. Thanks so much for the help
#160247 Emulating Van Gaal tactics in game
As a huge United fan, I'm always playing FM in the way of trying to recreate what the real life team does, tactic signings etc, and with the news that it's more or less going to be Van Gaal that will be the new manager, I've started trying to research his normal style of play, formations and managerial approach.
What I've found so far is that he works between two formations - primarily a 433 with a deep lying playmaker in front of the back 4 and wingers wide. He also uses a 4231 sometimes. So what i'm trying to do now is figure out what other aspects of his tactics are, and how to best emulate them in Football Manager.
Any help and advice on this would be greatly appreciated,
#160245 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I'm just wondering if there is an issue with Louis Van Gaal in the database.
He's part of the megapack download that i have but no matter what i do, the image wont show up in the game.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.