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#621777 Real Fixtures and Results[For top 5 leagues and more]
Ferhan Özkan
No problem. Has the error been fixed?
#621408 Real Fixtures and Results[For top 5 leagues and more]
Ferhan Özkan
There is an error in the file. I wanted him to fix the error.
#621402 Real Fixtures and Results[For top 5 leagues and more]
Ferhan Özkan
It was related to the topic. 3 teams are relegated in the file. ( first season )
In reality, 4 teams will be relegated in the first season. I asked him to fix this.
#621357 Real Fixtures and Results[For top 5 leagues and more]
Ferhan Özkan
thanks bro 🙂
#621317 Real Fixtures and Results[For top 5 leagues and more]
Ferhan Özkan
Turkish Super League please