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#567254 FMV Logos
John-Bevan Price
They are brilliant. Thank you so much.
#567018 FMV Logos
John-Bevan Price
CYVFC Club Badge
#566616 SS' Susie Avatar's Kits
John-Bevan Price
CYVFC Back Shirt
#566613 Restoration of the standard logos!
John-Bevan Price
CYVFC Club Badge
#566608 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
John-Bevan Price
Club Badge
#566604 PR Kits
John-Bevan Price
Lso looking to get an image of the back of the shirt
Not sure if that link works
#566603 Fantasy kits, FC'12 and PR style
John-Bevan Price
Thank you very much, love that. Am i pushing it by asking for an inage of the back of the shirt?
#566602 PR Kits
John-Bevan Price
That's perfect. Thank you.
#566181 Fantasy kits, FC'12 and PR style
John-Bevan Price
This is what i have at the mo, made from screen shots etc. Would love a proper design like you've done with the ones above
#565763 Fantasy kits, FC'12 and PR style
John-Bevan Price
Have attached our new shirt for this season, along with club badge and sponsors. Admiral sponsor for front of shirt. Gorilla Garments for above the number on the back.
#565599 PR Kits
John-Bevan Price
Have attached our new shirt for this season, along with club badge and sponsors. Admiral sponsor for front of shirt. Gorilla Garments for above the number on the back.
Thank you in advance for whoever takes this on.
#488119 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
John-Bevan Price
Any chance you could metallic this for me?