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#741101 Sports complex "Nikola Shterev - Starika"
Momchil Badzhev
Apologies, my mistake. Thank you for correcting it.
#741024 Sports complex "Nikola Shterev - Starika"
Momchil Badzhev
This is the new main stadium for Botev Plovdiv (22033833).
#732898 🏆 sortitoutsi Trophy Pack - FM24 Update 2025.03 Released [15/02/2025]
Momchil Badzhev
Kupa na Savetskata Armia Trophy (7502598)
#665568 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Momchil Badzhev
Levski Lom (7505980) - Team has new logo
#661067 🏆 sortitoutsi Trophy Pack - FM24 Update 2025.03 Released [15/02/2025]
Momchil Badzhev
Tried making a trophy myself.
Bulgarian Supercup: 7504886
#638823 🏆 sortitoutsi Trophy Pack - FM24 Update 2025.03 Released [15/02/2025]
Momchil Badzhev
Found a good picture of the Euro trophy (1301388), if you want to update it.
#636723 🏆 sortitoutsi Trophy Pack - FM24 Update 2025.03 Released [15/02/2025]
Momchil Badzhev
Bulgarian Super Cup (7504886) trophy is outdated. Could you update it? This is the current one trophy:
#617413 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
Momchil Badzhev
Not sure if this should go here or the normal request thread.
UEFA Conference League