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#57644 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
does these 1330 have any differences from the 1300? (in compatibility terms, not in added info)
because i will use the 1300 db, i will not start a new game, and i wanted to know if i should overwrite these on my 1300 and add my additions.
#55895 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
i have in the docs folder:
graphics\ads\[bunch of folders with graphics]
ok, that was the problem, i look inside your XML and it calls a specific directory, and i had them in another one, so that was the problem. i thought the XML didn't had a directory hardcoded, that i could put the graphics anywhere i wanted.
#55489 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
thanks for your help.
ps: i still see SI ads, and just a small amount of "real" ads from your pack, is it supposed to be like this? can i have just "real" ads? thanks
#54148 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
the download link in your sig has all 2013 updates?
i can't find the 2012 pack, can you please point me to it?
thank you very much.
#54147 Need help changing some graphics
#53759 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
i want to use the portuguese liga zon sagres ads, what should i download?
#50166 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
#45698 Need help changing some graphics
i'm messing around with this screen, but i'm stuck at one part, does anyone knows what file controls this part of the screen?
I want it filled instead of transparent.
as you can see, some positions can't be read(2nd and 3rd staff counting from the bottom), the column width is to small. If someone can point me at least to the file which controls that, i appreciate it.
#35661 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
awards file:
"AWARD_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 102406 "Bola de Ouro (FIFA)" "Portuguese"
"AWARD_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 102406 "Bola de Ouro" "Portuguese"
city file:
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 1489 "Sporting" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 55056835 "Sporting B" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 1494 "Guimarães" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 55056925 "Guimarães B" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2397 "Famalicão" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2423 "Gondomar" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2433 "Nacional" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2440 "Atlético" ""
on the folder "editor data files", i suggest that you use sub folders, like "media", "club names", etc etc, or, or change the names of the files to a keyword on the start, example, "media - xpto", this way, a person can easly use the file he/she wants, i don't use any of the files that change club names for example, i have them all in your lnc file.
#35658 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
what are the changes Mons?
#28617 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
thanks for helping.
For future versions, please add all names in the LNC that you put on the DBC, so, if the user wants it (one like me that doesn't uses the DBC), he can just remove the #, i know it's hard to maintain two files and don't mess up
thank you.
#28594 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
Thanks for your answer.
What are club nicknames? where do i see those?
i'm not using the dbc file you mentioned, in order to avoid the crashes i've talked before, so i'll have to remove the #.
#28234 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
why do you have a ton of club names commented? (#)
i don't remember the file being like this, all of france, most from italy, etc.
i also see some with #@
#27900 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
i'm just asking, because if users have this in online games and have no problems, then i can rule out this pack, and focus on his machine being the problem.
i just cleaned his fm cache, and no crash occurred, so...
#27882 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
does anyone that use this file and kit colour changes plays in an online game? preferably as a server?
i suspect these files are the reason that my games are rendered unplayable, the client gets a crash when he tries to join.
#26354 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
#25944 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
Competitions and other Fixes.lnc
"NATION_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 781 "Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia" ""
"NATION_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 781 "Antiga República Jugoslava da Macedonia" "Portuguese"
"NATION_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 781 "Macedonia" ""
"NATION_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 781 "Macedonia" "Portuguese"
"NATION_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 784 "Holanda" "Portuguese"
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 1301388 "Campeonato da Europa (UEFA)" "Portuguese"
"COMP_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 1301388 "Euro" "Portuguese"
City, Club and Stadium Names.lnc
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 1489 "Sporting" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 55056835 "Sporting B" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 1494 "Guimarães" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 55056925 "Guimarães B" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2386 "Paços de Ferreira" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2397 "Famalicão" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2423 "Gondomar" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2433 "Nacional" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2440 "Atlético" ""
Like i said, i really haven't played the game yet, damn SI, just tested a bit, so i don't have much changes yet.
#25938 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
you don't need to start a new game, just the DBC files need a new game to take effect.
#25937 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
i have that same issue, and the damn SI don't even answer in the oficial forums, i've uploaded crash dump several days ago, and got no costumer support from them, i really HAVEN'T played the game so far, i only play online game with my brother, and he just can't join after a save.
we both have the same addons, but i'll try to start a new one without any addon and see,
#25307 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
i'll check when you release a new one, and i'll post you just any (if any) unchanged line.
ps: it seems this new update adds some new files in the DBC folder
#24697 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
can you get the changes into your files?
it's just small changes, because the damn game is unplayable to me right now, my mate can't connect to the network game, gets crash everytime, and i don't play solo games since...a long time.
#24191 SS Kits Colours Changes Final version [v12.3 - released 01/10/13]
#23564 SS Kits Colours Changes Final version [v12.3 - released 01/10/13]
thanks for the great work.
#23055 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
I do, to add a portuguese specific item, i just change the last "" into "Portuguese", right?
#22411 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
i have a question. The awards are either on their home language on in English. So, normally i would edit your file and translate some international awards to Portuguese, but, do you want to create language dependent translations?
Sorry if you already addressed this issue, i'm just asking because if you wanted that, instead of replacing i could just create the Portuguese versions and then share them, so you could use them in the future, but this would massively increase the file size (i think) if you would then translate all awards to all languages, but would help me when FM14 comes, then i would already have them done
#16287 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
thanks for your help clarifying this, i always though that the SAD word shouldn't be in there , now i won't be needing to do this on every update, thanks to Mons.
#15806 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
because, the clubs that have a SAD (anonymous sport society) the club still exists, they are two different entities, there's the club and the SAD, but the teams are always referred as the club name, no one calls Porto as "futebol clube do porto - sad", that's only for legal stuff i guess.
i'm not complaining, i'm just asking, maybe some other portuguese player can enter the discussion and share his opinion.
I ask this, because i will remove all SAD words from your list, i don't like to see them ingame.
here are some other changes i will use:
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2386 "Paços Ferreira" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 1489 "Sporting" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 1494 "Guimarães" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 1495 "Setúbal" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2440 "Atlético" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 55000306 "Benfica B" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2395 "Covilhã" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 55056835 "Sporting B" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 1475 "União da Madeira" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 55056925 "Guimarães B" ""
#10568 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
you consider this beta to be what % of the final work?
i always edit some things to my likings, so i just want to know if i should wait for the final to start editing.