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#809173 FM24 Challenge #11 - Santa Claus is comin' to town
#804029 FM24 Challenge #10 - You can't win anything with kids
#803639 FM24 Challenge #10 - You can't win anything with kids
Nice win vs Luton. I was knocked out by them from the League Cup.
#803638 FM24 Challenge #10 - You can't win anything with kids
#802585 FM24 Challenge #9 - Sivasscore
I'd like to thank Rey Manaj (22 goals), Alex Pritchard (10 - superb in the AP At role) and Keita Balde (9) for making this possible.
> Shoot More Often > Take More Risks > Move Into Channels
My philosophy is simple in all the challenges - attack and score more goals than your opponents.
Your opponents score 3 goals, you Demand More, Berate your players to score 4. Winning 4-3 is still 3 points (in real life).
Obviously, this mindset is absurd in real life (perhaps not) and it doesn't work every game and then you get thrashed 7-3!
#801708 FM24 Challenge #8 - Honka Honka
One of the most frustrating teams (challenges) to manage (take on). Just one big group of recalcitrant whiners. Almost always a hair-dryer treatment at half-time.
Demand More > Berate > Demand More > Berate > Focus > Demand More > Berate
#801321 FM24 Challenge #7 - Tamwho? Lambs to the slaughter
A little jaded and could do with a rest!
#801320 FM24 Challenge #7 - Tamwho? Lambs to the slaughter
A bit of trivia:
Tamworth FC play at The Lamb Ground. The name doesn’t come from their nickname but instead from the original function of the land, which was previously occupied by a local slaughterhouse and livestock market. The name "The Lamb Ground" stuck even after the land was repurposed for football.
#800497 FM24 Challenge #6 - Rossoneri Revival
“We will be a team of devils. Our colours will be red like fire and black like the fear we will invoke in our opponents”.
Forza Milan!
#799630 FM24 Challenge #5 - Down Under
A Central Coast Mariners FC supporter from Malaysia was seen humming to “Waltzing Matilda” as skipper Brian Kaltak lifted the Asian Confederation Cup trophy at the Industree Group Stadium following a 3-0 win over Oman's Al-Nahda Al-Buraimi in the final. Good on ya, mate!
#799346 FM24 Challenge #4 - Ronaldo: Record Breaker
“It gives me the happiest feeling in the world. I just love scoring. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple goal from close range, a long shot or a dribble around several players, I just love to score all goals.” – Cristiano Ronaldo
Nuff said.
#797843 FM24 Challenge #3 - Italy: Defenceless
This was challenging to say the least. Insigne was atrocious in the earlier games. His passing was sloppy and his finishing was so bad, the only net he was hitting was his Wi-Fi connection! But he delivered when it mattered most - in the final. Zaccagni, Miretti, Frattesi and Jorginho performed commendably at the back although we shipped in 14 goals, but that was down to my reckless tactics. "Il sole splende anche dopo la tempesta."
#797764 FM24 Challenge #2 - Mission Impossible: Heracles
“Heraclieden's inability to meet their pre-season expectations saw them become involved in an unlikely relegation scrap, with only their late-season form between April and May under new manager Sort It Out SI Challenge earning back a shred of respectability.” - Job Schilder, Nederlands Dagblad
Verdict: We were lucky. Our best player was 36-year-old veteran full-back Jeffry Fortes! Our leaky defence would make even the mighty Hercules cringe. Needless to say, we were lucky.
#797665 FM24 Challenge #1 - Ipswich Push for Europe
Fifth best goal-scoring team in the league (68 goals). Let's just say the Tractor Boys ploughed through the league defenses like it's harvest season!