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#781176 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Please can I impose for another? Clanfield FC in the Wessex league. Surprisingly hard to get hold of a good logo copy. Hope this one will be ok:
#779455 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Would it be possible to add the logo for Fleetlands FC?
#261888 FM 2015 Ad Board Patch - FM16 Version Available
I must be hexed.
SI must have changed something in the coding of FM15 for some certain leagues as I have come across the same sort of thing.
I originally came across this when I discovered that certain teams in the French 3rd Div couldn't make the ad boards appear. Some teams can, some teams can't and no logical reason why as the ID's were all correct. I had a corruption in that game and started a new game in the A-League. I even made up individual ad boards for each of the teams before I started the game only to find out the A-League teams can't display those ad boards at all. Even the ads that are in the generic folder named "Australia" that comes with this patch do not appear. The only ones that appears are the modified default ones.
#247849 FM 2015 Ad Board Patch - FM16 Version Available
I started a new game with two managers. Colmiers & Marseille as Marseille has modified ad boards from you mod and is another French side. Playing as Marseille I got your modded ad boards for club Marseille's to show and club Colmiers still showed the default ad boards from your mod.
I then went into the FM file and swapped the club ID numbers for both clubs, so Colmiers ad boards now pointed at club Marseille and the Marseille ads boards now pointed at club Colmiers. My theory was If there was an error in my coding and/or my ads boards, a Colmiers home game would show Marseille ads boards and a Marseille home game would show the default ad boards. Here is where it gets weird.
Marseille showed my modified ad boards in their full glory while Colmiers continues to show the default modded ad board?! My only conclusion that I can draw from that is that the Colmiers team ID is wrong, but according to the game it is the right ID number. I went back and checked with the FM14 editor to compare and it is the same number..8162290.
Capper I haven't something obvious in my conclusions have I, cause now I am at wits end.
#247586 FM 2015 Ad Board Patch - FM16 Version Available
Grasping at straws post...Above is from the first page. I notice a number of club files within the FM file are more than 45 lines long.
For example <!-- resovia, grabek --> <list id="717332"> is 46 lines,
Has the goal posts changed in FM15 and you have to add more than 45 spaces?
#247576 FM 2015 Ad Board Patch - FM16 Version Available
Just went back to the file and checked again. I used the "find" feature in notepad to make sure 9001 through to 9012 are not repeated. The only incidences are the ones I have added. All the folders are in lower case as well. For the life of me I can't work out why they are not working. As mentioned above, the default ones for the Ads file are working in lieu of the SI ones, so that part is working, so it has to be with my additional coding of the FM file. Above are direct screen shots from the FM file & folder showing the file names. Even looking at it now for the umpteenth time, I just can't fault it. Crazy eh?
#247340 FM 2015 Ad Board Patch - FM16 Version Available
I did a similar thing in FM14 so I'm confident the Ads boards are in the right format and the right size. Done the empty cache and refreshed a dozen times so I maybe need a new set of fresh eyes to look over this and see where I have stuffed up?
Inside My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics\pictures\ads\europe\france\clubs\colomiers I have
I've modded the FM file and added below. Doubled check the ID of Colomiers and it is 8162290 . I've also doubled checked that I have put the correct FM file in the folder.
Any help would be appreciated.
#240825 How do I implement the logos?
Seriously I have spent all of tonight trying to figure out what the problem was, and then as soon as I post and tab back and clear the cache for the 63rd time I have logo's...<shrug>
#240822 How do I implement the logos?
Inside D:\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics\pictures\logos\Metallic Logos I have the following folders:
I downloaded the complete FM15 Version 2 file off the Suzie download section as one file. Maybe clutching at straws but is a config file maybe missing from the complete download file?