Zen Tipher - Comments

#783246 The Flight of the Seagulls
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago



Αs I said we had to get another right back, Maffeo is fast, he is hardworking, he has good tackles, I think he will help.


΅We needed a decent box to box, and we found it, in the face of Kiernan. 



Webster and March couldnt resist the huge offers from Saudi Arabia. So we let them go. 


Our Friendlies:



The tactic that fits to us better, is 433:


Let's have a look at our roster: 


Our team is very talented, full of wonderkids. Let's see what we can achieve. The board expects a mid table position. But we should try for something better. 

Also in the Europa League if we are serious, we can reach high enough.



We begin against Liverpool In Anfield. Very difficult debut. But we believe to ourselves.

#782972 The Flight of the Seagulls
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago



A dream came true. Jonanthan Livingston a born fighter will try to lift the seagulls and teach them to fly very high !!!

Let's see, will he succeed?



We have a very talented and young roster. And 4231 gegen suits us perfectly.


We will try to buy a better right back. More consistent in his defensive duties than Lamptey.

And we will also try to give some opportunities to some youngsters.


We start the work with the staffing of all departments and then with the basic stage of preparation and several friendly games.

#782956 The Flight of the Seagulls
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

It was morning, and
the new sun sparkled gold across the ripples of a gentle sea. A mile from shore a fishing boat chummed the water, and the word for Breakfast Flock flashed through the air, till a crowd of a thousand seagulls came to dodge and fight for bits of food. It was another busy day beginning. But way off alone, out by himself beyond boat and shore, Jonathan Livingston Seagull was practicing. A hundred feet in the sky he lowered his webbed feet, lifted his beak, and strained to hold a painful hard twisting curve through his wings. The curve meant that he would fly slowly, and now he slowed until the wind was a whisper in his face, until the ocean stood still beneath him. He narrowed his eyes in fierce concentration, held his breath, forced one…single…more…inch…of…curve…. Then his feathers ruffled, he stalled and fell.
Seagulls, as you know, never falter, never stall. To stall in the air is for them disgrace and it is dishonor. But Jonathan Livingston Seagull, unashamed, stretching his wings again in that trembling hard curve—slowing, slowing, and stalling once more—was no ordinary bird
Most gulls don’t bother to learn more than the simplest facts of flight—how to get from shore to food and back again. For most gulls, it is not flying that matters, but eating. For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered, but flight. More than anything else, Jonathan Livingston Seagull loved to fly





#768843 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

1 Aug. 2026

FA Community Shield

An another Trophy added to our Collection. 

We were slightly better than our opponents. and finally we got the cup in the penalties.




UEFA Super Cup

We put out a very good perfomance and we conquered the Super Cup fairly!!! 


The fans of Spurs are living unrepeatable moments!!!




#768807 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

Preseason went well.

Αnd in August we have 2 finals ahead of us.

Liverpool for the Community Shield and Real Sociedad for the Uefa Super Cup. 

Let's see what we can get!

#768615 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago




In the Chairmans office:

Levy: Hello, Mr.Zen.

Zen: Hello Mr. Levy.

Levy: This Season, will be an extra demanding Season, Mr.Zen.

Zen: Yes, I know it Mr. Levy. We are the Champions of Europe, and we have to defend our Title. 

Levy: Ofcourse… We should maintain our Club status as the most reputable team in England!!!



We bought Gouehi from Crystal Palas for 67million Euro. He is an excellend DC. Fast with great positioning. He will help us to achieve our targets this Season.


Βecause we don't want to spoil the very good team atmosphere. But also as a tribute to the players who did the quadruple last year, we will not make any more transfers. We will also try to promote this youngster. 


Also Roberts is very promising. We will loan him to Millwall, our new affiliate Club!



Hojbjerg asked for a new challenge.  I accepted. He is a good back up player. But if he wants to leave he is free to do it.


Our Tactics as always will be: 4-2-3-1 and 4-3-3


And the friendlies that we have to give, before to start official duties.



#768406 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

In the Office. with my assistand:


Nuno: What a Season Mr. Zen… so many games… so many demands and finally we got 4 trophies!!! Very stressed Season but but we were rewarded at the End.

Zen: Yes, that's True Nuno, everyone gets what he deserves in Life. And we deserved all of what we got!!! 

Nuno: I can't believe that we are Champions of Europe ! What a perfect feeling!

Zen: Yes it is nice dear Nuno.

Nuno: Only nice? Oh… I got it, you don't identify with the external events…

Zen: Well, not exactly, but I'm trying… 

Nuno: I tried that too, but most of the time I failed. I have always identified with the external events. What did I do wrong Mr.Zen?

Zen: Well… Nuno… it's because of the demons that are living inside of you…

Nuno: Demons? What the heck…

Zen: Don't be scared Nuno, in our subconscious we all have our demons. 

Nuno: And how are those demons created?

Zen: When we Identify with an external event, we create a “demon”. But we should better call it “Ego”. All the Religious spoke about those. Christianity call those “Egos” the 7 Deadly Sins (Pride, Greed, Wrath, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, and Sloth). In Ancient Egypt they called them the Red Demons of Seth. In Buddhism are called mental additionals, because they are something external that its added in our psyche. In Hinduism are called passions and desires!

Nuno: Aha… so interesting… but I cant understand how do I create an Ego or “demon" when I identify with a situation?

Zen: Let me, give you an example: let's say someone comes and insults you. He tells you how clumsy you are. You identify with what he told you... and you react accordingly. Either you can talk to him badly or hit him if you are more brutal. And so you create a new “ego”, “demon”, of hatred towards this person.

Nuno: But it's logical Mr. Zen to react, if someone insults me… I can't let him to insult me.

Zen: Who reacts Nuno, is the “Ego” of pride that leaves inside of you. You must not let anyone to steal your internal peace. If you react in this way, you fell in the same level with him. The best thing is to not react… to not identify with the external event… to remain calm. Υou know better who you are and you shouldn't depend on others. What others say is their own subjective opinion. 

Nuno: I see…

Zen: And do you know what the philosopher Socrates said? 

Nuno: No… tell me please.

Zen: Ιf someone gives us a gift and you don't accept it, who does the gift belong to?

Nuno: To the other ofcourse…

Zen: That's right. Let's say that you are in the car,  and you're late to start at the traffic light and someone from the car behind starts yelling at you... and you get angry and answer him badly. Why did this happen? Since the other person doesn't know us, he doesn't have anything personal with you... who reacted then?

Nuno: Who?

Zen: The demon of pride that leaves in your subconscious! Αnd in the end what do we achieve if we identify? we lose our energy, we lose our inner peace, our blood rushes to our head, our stomach can hurt... 

Nuno: I never thought of it that way.

Zen: Buddha said: when you get angry it's like picking up a hot coal to throw it at the other person, the first one to get burned is you!!!

Nuno: Very wise words…

Zen: Dalai Lama also said: “Judging or being angry with a person is like drinking poison and waiting for the other to die” . Because my dear Nuno all these negatives emotions  are inside of you and hurt you first !!!

Nuno: I Undestand now…

Zen: Same thing happens with all egos... when we identify with a situation and react we create new demons which mainly harm us!!! 

Nuno: And how can we manage not to identify and not to react?

Zen: The first step is understanding. When you really understand how bad all these egos are, and they are hurting you! For example, what you heard today gives you a basic understanding for all of this!

Nuno: And what are the next steps? to free one from all these ego demons?

Zen: Αll things in their time... let's go home dear Nuno, it's already Late!




#768384 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

Everyone is delighted the Champions League Cup… the name of Tottenham will always be written in the pantheon of the Champions League winners!!!



An Excellent Season!


#768339 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

30 May 2026





Starting Line Ups

΅We start with 4231… Barcelona plays 4-2-2-2. So we will try to hit them from the wings.



1st Half

What a perfomance… We scored very early in the game, (2' Kulusevski) and then Gnonto that he took the place of the injured Tammy, scored on the 34'. 

We are playing better… Kulusevski and Porro are destroying Barcelona, they have so much space on the right wing !!! 

Now in the 2nd half we should be very carefull and try to control the game, maybe give them some space and counter attack!!! 



2nd Half

Gnonto did an excellend run on the right wing, he got into the penalty area…. the defender overturned him and we got penalty!!!

Koopmeiners was very cool and he scored from the penalty spot!!!  3-0 !!!

In the rest of the game we gave the ball to Barcelona and we protected our defence !!!




We live great times!!!



Kulusevski was the Man of the Match with a goal and an assist.

#768273 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

Liverpool continued its bad form…






3 in Row…. Tottenhams empire in the English Premier Division !!! 


Tammy Abraham was our best player in the League. With 24 goals and 5 asists.



Marco Carnesecchi was the 2nd best goalkeeper of the Year!


6 of our players in the best Team of the Year.


Some stats…


And after the festivities for the League Title.... we have a very big Final ahead of us!!!





#768271 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

38th Matchday

The goal difference is enough to secure us the Title!!! 

Thousands of fans follow us το St.James Park to celebrate the 3rd League Title in row. 


#768266 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

We played well according to the XG, but our defence was not in a good form.


It's time for the FA Cup Final


We have 2 absences. Bissouma is a big loss due to injury (2-3 months) and Susic is also injured… he will return in 6 days!




Finally we got the FA CUP!!! 

This time we were cynical in front of goal and won fairly. Many congratulations to the whole team!!!



#768262 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

Meanwhile for the League, we won easily Sheffield UInited and Stoke… 


The Good news are coming from Anfield. Liverpool continue its bad form and this time they drew with Brighton!


So… we have 6 points distance from Liverpool and 2 remaining games. Even if we loose them both, because we have better goal difference from Liverpool (+23) we can be the Champions again.  


It's very likely to be crowned champions in Stamfornd bridge. 

Then we have the FA Cup FInal with City… and 2 weeks later the Champions League Final !!! 

Let's see, how many trophies we can get!!!

#768243 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago




The 2 Important Semifinals with Real Madrid. For the history, let's remember last years Quarter Finals with Real M. We did a great victory in Madrid and we got the qualification. Let's hope this year to succeed again and to qualify for the Great Final!!!


1st Game

Kick Off

Wow!!! What a perfomance… until 73' we were behind 0-1… We did a change of the Formation 4-2-3-1 and we turned the match, and we got this emphatic win with 4-1 !!! 

In the 2nd game we should be very serious, because Real M. is a great team, and we should be very carefull…



2nd Game

Kick Off


We handled the result of the first match very well. And we achieved a great qualification!!!




And in the final we will face the previous year winner of the Champions League, BARCELONA !!! 

#768124 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

Wow!!! What a Season… After our defeat in Anfield, we had a 2nd bad result as we drew with Man Utd at home… 

In the Champions League we performed pretty well and we qualified for the Semi Finals for the 2nd year in a row. There we will find Real Madrid.

For the FA Cup won easily Nottm Forest… and we qualified for the Final for the 3rd year in a row. 


Even if we had those 2 bad resluts with Liverpool and Man Utd, we are again on TOP !!! Because Liverpool lost her form in the last games. 

So the last 4 games now are very critical.


It will be very hard, for us, to manage all these big games without losses. 

Let's see what the future will bring to us.

Let's go SPURS !!! 

#768117 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

This month began with an excellent qualication in the Champions League, against Milan. We were very good, especially in the 2nd game. 

In the Rivalry with Arsenal we achieved a triumphant victory as we played for a long time with 9 players.

We also had a stressful overtime win for the Quarter Finals of the FA Cup.

But finally we lost in Anfield…. we weren't fresh, we lacked concetration…


So… Liverpool in on Top with 74 points. 


All the games are critical now… 

For the Champions League Quarter Finals we will face BVB.

Let's go!!! 

#768083 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

After the hard defeat from City in the Final of the Carabao Cup, came an easy victory against Bournemouth for the FA CUP, but after… we had a very bad result again Southampton. This Draw put Liverpool on the top of the League.


Εverything is on a razor's edge!!!


In the Champions League for the 16 we will face Milan. And for the League we have 2 very difficult games, the rivalry with the Gunners and the BIg Match in Anfield with Liverpool, if we loose that match, Liverpool will be the 1st Favorite for the Title.

#768082 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

3 Easy win at home, and an unlucky draw away with Brighton. 

And our Opponent in the Carabao Final will be Man City !!! 


And the previous results with City. 4 wins, 1 draw and 4 defeats. 


Who will win this cup?


Starting Line ups

We have 3 absences Kulusevski, Roony and Bentancur because of injuries… 



1st Half:

In the 1st half we were excellent. We had 3 ccc, 1 woodwork, many other chances and the goal! City didn't make a single shot !!!!

Let's go Lads !!!


2nd Half:

How unlucky… 

Today's game was won by the personality of some of the city players.

΅We were much better, but City had Haaland in the last minute !!! 

#767959 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

Finally… January is over!!! 10 games!!! 8 wins, 1 draw, 1 loss. 

January ended successfully. Of course, we lost to the very strong City of Bellingham. But we also had an FA Cup triumph over Liverpool.

For the Carabao Cup we qualified for the Final. And there we will find the winner of the game Chelsea/City. 

It's a strong battle between Liverpool/Tottenham/City. 


In the Champions League, we got the 2nd place. with 7 wins and 1 draw.


February's fixtures include the Carabao  Final ! 


Transfer window has closed. 

In the last day of the window we bought the experienced Left back Kostas Tsimikas from Liverpool for 9.5 m. Euro, and we sold Pape Sarr to Gladbach for 35 m. and Sessegnon to Rb Leipzig for 12.5m. 


The Greek is a nice option on the left side of our defence. He also agreed to be a fringe player. I guess that he will help us alot.

#767839 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

This month Kulusevksi and Richarlison were our leaders! 


The struggle between the 3 “Giants” is continuing. 


Wow!!! 10 games in a month!!! Its because we have qualified in the Semi Finals of the EFL Cup. 

We need all of our players and we pray to god to not have any injuries.


The transfer market has opened and we announce the transfer of the Croatian Luka Susic from Red Bull Salzburg for 34million Euro!

Luka is a very talented player. He is playing better as a mezzala or an advanve playmaker. He will rotate the place in the midfield with Maddison.

Welcome to the Spurs Luka!



#767695 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

4 wins , 1 loss, 1 draw. 

Ιn the derby with Arsenal, we were not good and we lost fairly, while in the game against United we played much better and the final score is not fair.

In Champions League we are doing very good.


Us with Liverpool and City , will struggle for the Title this year.



December is always a demanding month with many games.

#767516 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

5 wins and a draw!

In the game with Nottm we didn't play so well. 

This Month Koopmeiner was our best player with Av Rat. 7.90, 3 goals and 2 asists. 


Liverpool is looking very strong this year. While Man City has 2 losses until now. Let's see what this season will bring us.


November has many “big” games. The derby with Arsenal, then we play with Milan for the Champions League, and after 3 days we host Liverpool. 

We need a Clever rotation. 

#767420 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

Tammy Abraham is on fire. With 8.30 average rating, 9 goals and 1 assist, in the last 5 games, is our leading player.

Pavlovic is following with 7.58 and 3 goals. 

For the moment the team is looking very fresh and strong.



Octobers fixtures:



#767297 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

Very good start. 


And the games for the Champions League


The fixtures of September:


The transfer window has closed.


City has splashed the cash to bring Jude from Real M… 

#767243 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

Preseason ended successfully while we won the 1st Trophy of the Season. 





Μeanwhile even though we have won the league 2 times in a row they give us favorites for 6th place !


And the League is ready to start!

#767169 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago




1st July

In the Chairmans office:

Levy: Hello Mr. Zen, how are you? 

Zen: Fine Mr. Levy thank you.

Levy: So, what are your plans for the new season mr. Zen?

Zen: Well Mr. Levy. I have a big trust on my players. We already have a very strong squad. Don't forget that we are twice the Champios of England! Maybe we'll do 1 or 2 additions. 

Levy: I agree with you Mr. Zen. But you know…We need to increase our commercial revenue, by bringing players who will bring a merchadising boost.  

Zen: Ok, I understand… I will also try to develop 2 young players. One is Phillips, Last year was on loan at Coventry, great potential. 

Levy: Yes, I agree, he has great potential. 

Zen: And the other is a new coming, Luka Vuskovic from Hajiduk. Both are DC. So, they can cover the losses of Dier and Ben Davies. 

Levy: Ok. Mr. Zen. Good luck. We trust on you. 



In the training ground

Zen: Hello to everyone… this year we will change a little our tactic style. We will approach a vertical tiki taka… we need more possesion. Who has the possesion, controls the game as you know. 


Our Transfers so far:


We bought Hall from Leicester. We needed a player that can play box2box as well as an Advance playmaker. He has some great attributes. Passing 15, Vision 17, off the ball 15.  He is in a good age and also English. 


The squad  so far:


The Friendlies. We also have 2 testimonial games for Davies and Dier. To honor their contribution to the team!!!

#766993 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

In my Office… (with my assistand Nuno Gomes)


Nuno: What a Season, don't you agree John?

Zen: Yes Nuno… Great Season, some great perfomances, 2 titles, everything went fine.

Nuno: Yes, everything went fine… but as I remember the Final with Everton… I can't believe how we lost this game… Football is not fair sometimes !

Zen: Look Nuno… Football is a part of Life. Αs is life so is football ! 

Nuno: Yes…

Zen: in the universe there is a cosmic law. The Pendulum Law.  

Nuno: Never heard about it…

Zen: When the pendulum swings to one side, there is joy and happiness. When the pendulum swings to the other side, comes sadness and unhappiness.

Nuno: Yes, now that I think about it, there is a basis for all this.

Zen: Of course. See people's life… once they are happy, they fly on the sky… and after its coming a bad event-situation to destroy their mood.  And they fell into sadness, into anger, into hatred.

Nuno: So, how can we avoid, the “Bad" side of the pendulum? 

Zen: You have to stay in middle my friend.

Nuno: Stay in middle? How you do that?

Zen: Βy not identifying with the external events.

Nuno: Hm… seems hard to that…

Zen: Nothing is hard, it is a matter of internal practice. Let me tell you a story…

Nuno: Ok…

Zen: A long time ago, a poor Chinese farmer lost a horse, and all the neighbors came around and said, “well that’s too bad.” The farmer said, “maybe.” Shortly after, the horse returned bringing another horse with him, and all the neighbors came around and said, “well that’s good fortune,” to which the farmer replied, “maybe.” The next day, the farmer’s son was trying to tame the new horse and fell, breaking his leg, and all the neighbors came around and said, “well that’s too bad,” and the farmer replied, “maybe.” Shortly after, the emperor declared war on a neighboring nation and ordered all able-bodied men to come fight—many died or were badly maimed, but the farmer’s son was unable to fight and spared due to his injury. And all the neighbors came around and said, “well that’s good fortune,” to which the farmer replied, “maybe.” And so the story goes.

Nuno: Got it! The farmer was in the middle, he didn't identify not with the happy things and neither with the bad ones.

Zen: Correct. 

Nuno: But John… if we dont identify with the happy things… where we will find happiness then? 

Zen: Happiness my dear Nuno, is not in the one side of the pendulum, but in the middle. If you dont Identify with the external events and you stay in the middle, and search deep inside of you, you will find the Source of happiness. Happiness is not in the “Duality” of life. But Happiness is a state of consiousness living inside of you, Waiting for you to discover it. 

Nuno: Wow, what wise words! You are a wise man John.

Zen: I am nothing before the vastness of the universe my dear.

Nuno: I will try to keep your words in my heart.

Zen: Try to put them in your daily life, and you will see miracles ! If you don't identify with the external events and you act calmly and conscientiously then your life will change! Aristotle said: "Virtue lies in the middle", so as the Latins:  «in medio virtus». Enough for today, let's go home dear Nuno…





#766988 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

The Board has approved my request to expand the Stadium. It will be expanded by 15.712 seats. 


Ιn the meantime 2 great players, who have contributed much to the club over many years, asked me to move on for a new challenge. I couldn't say no.


Barcelona won the Champions League

#766963 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

30 April 2025



While we played much better. We lost a penalty, we had 2 woodworks, 3 clear cut chances, and we were leading 2-0. And yet we lost !!! 

For the second year in a row, in the FA CUP Final and we lose the cup. Even if we were much better than our opponents !!!

What can I say… that's Football… that's Life !!!

Heads Up !!! Life is going on… we're still the CHAMPIONS !!!




Richarlison is already an Icon !!! 

#766834 The Awakening of the Rooster
Zen Tipher
15 years ago
1 week ago

Μeanwhile in the league we made a record with 97 points. 


We made a good “finale” in the League.

All that remains is to continue our good form in the Final against Everton! And to add in our trophies the FA CUP!!!



Richarlison is the 3rd goalscorer.




All eyes now on the FA CUP FINAL