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#368440 Força Chape Succession
Boom! 5-0up after half an hour. But ofcourse Nivaldo let some in...
#368436 Força Chape Succession
Again, one shot on target - one goal. Nivaldo, our 42 year old back up keeper is having a tough time between the sticks. And Moises fot himself sent off for the third match in a row (or every second game for the team...)!
Not a bad streak we've been on.
#368435 Força Chape Succession
Marcelo Boeck is injured for a couple of weeks and Nivaldo let the first two shots pass him. Great comeback in the second half.
#368431 Força Chape Succession
Boring game. Neither team managed a single shot on target.
#368430 Força Chape Succession
Two more years!
#368428 Força Chape Succession
Tried a slighly changed formation, and the team responded fine to it. Played the ball around and clinical finishing.
#368427 Força Chape Succession
Down to 10 men with more than an hour to play. Then I'll guess one point is decent.
#368422 Força Chape Succession
A tough game away to Cerro Proteño in Paraguay. This is still a very winable tie.
#368420 Força Chape Succession
Great but unconvincing win over rivals Figueirense, a team we have had a bit of a problem with.
#368277 Força Chape Succession
Played a rotated side in the second leg of the cup. Over all a poor match, but I don't really care.
#368276 Força Chape Succession
Our best youth candidate.
#368275 Força Chape Succession
I would take a draw away at Cruzeiro, but it's disappointing to drop a 2-0 lead.
#368274 Força Chape Succession
Dominant performance against a struggling Flamengo. Unfortunately it looks like we are going to loose Rafael Bastos at the end of the year as we can't afford to pay what he wants.
#368096 Força Chape Succession
So disappointing. We were by far the better team but they scored, we didn't. Now it's up to @Fola to turn this around and then it's time to take on the big boys in the Brasileirão.
#368095 Força Chape Succession
1,20 favorites to go down... This will be a challenge.
#368093 Força Chape Succession
Final match of the Campionata Catarinese. Marcos Aurelio scored on his debute for the club.
That's Ronaldo for you! The defensive master mind.
As we won the opening stage and Figueirense won the closing stage we will meet in a Champions playoff.
#368091 Força Chape Succession
Almost turned this cup tie around. A good result non the less.
#368065 Força Chape Succession
Bounced back against a very weak Guarani team. We should have scored a few more of our 35 shots.
#368062 Força Chape Succession
First loss in the league. We had three player suspended for this match and we just weren't good enough.
#368061 Força Chape Succession
Crashing out of the cup...
#368058 Força Chape Succession
Nivaldo saved a penalty in the 6:th minute before Moreno scored from close range after a fine cross from left back Claudio Winck. Only minutes later Moisés scored from a free kick after some incredibly poor goalkeeping from their side. They scored a concolation goal - our first in years it seems.
#368057 Força Chape Succession
More solid defending gave us a 2-0 win at home. Unfortunately out goal keeper Marcelo Boeck picked up an injury and will be out for about two weeks. 42 year old Nivaldo replaced him in this game and did a fine job.
Tressor Moreno scored again and:
#368055 Força Chape Succession
Another win, this time away against Avaí. The defence is rock solid!
#368054 Força Chape Succession
Off to a good start. I decided to keep the same starting eleven as in @Cymro's last match. Fabinho started up front and scored a brace.
#368010 Força Chape Succession
#342196 Succession Game Abroad // Folge Spiel
Damn! I had just agreed a transfer for him.
#342191 Succession Game Abroad // Folge Spiel
I managed to give Krivov a new contract (still probably the world's second best payed player). I don't know what we are going to do about Haluk. If we don't manage to renogotiate his contract this season we will have to sell him. He's on 575K per week! And next year....
#342190 Succession Game Abroad // Folge Spiel
Third best ranked team in Europe.
#342189 Succession Game Abroad // Folge Spiel
And a retirement.
#341321 [FM14] Pentagon - Redux