Ms Football Manager - Comments

#816809 Fero-Skin byFS19
Ms Football Manager
4 years ago
3 days ago

Hi. The design of the skin is fantastic.  Any chance you could make a tweak, or give me instructions, on how to make it attributeless?

#771975 3D Kits 23-24 WIP Thread
Ms Football Manager
4 years ago
3 days ago

I would really appreciate if anyone could point me in the direction of J3 3D kits?  

#535653 FM NewGAN Faces V1
Ms Football Manager
4 years ago
3 days ago
I have to say that I have been looking for regen faces for ages and these are by far, without a doubt the very best there is. I STILL cannot believe they are computer generated (except for the odd one). Truly, truly amazing work.

Thank you. You have made my game complete.