Adam Peacock - Comments

#632394 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Adam Peacock
4 years ago
1 year ago

Hey folks,


All the hubbub around the failed ESL recently got me thinking about returning to FM. I had a save with Portsmouth (FM20) which I’ve recently continued. A new owner has taken over over and injected a bunch of cash and after a couple of good seasons in the Championship I'd like to mark this new dawn with a fresh kit.


I am here to humbly ask for your assistance!


I’ve included the RGB for Pompey in game before each kit (could only find the templates in green) – I’m not particularly fussy with a kit manufacturer but I’ve included some notes and templates I like to guide you in this most noble of endeavors. 


Kit sponsor - Asahi


Pompey logo 

HOME KIT in Blue / white collar, sleeves (RGB: 40 80 176)

Asahi logo in white.

AWAY KIT in Grey (RGB: 176 176 176)

Would think blue (RGB: 40 80 176) for the stripes 

Asahi logo in black?

THIRD KIT in Lilac (RGB: 64 40 112)

Maybe a lighter shade of lilac/purple or white as the contrast stripe.. not sure.. go wild!

Asahi logo in whatever colour looks good!

First post on these here forums so hopefully the above makes sense. Hope someone can help!