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#779214 [FM24.4] Japan League System (Level7) & J.League 2024 Real fixtures
Problem with this DB, with all the high schools and universities added, the amount of youth players Japan gets is insane, close to nations like Brazil or France. I know Japan is doing better and better in terms of player development, but this is just insane levels. A lot of high schools and universities with exceptional youth intake.
#779031 Can I use the Logo, Kit, Stadium graphic packs for FM24 for FM23?
Yes. All these are sorted by UIDs, and most of them dont change unless you use custom databases.
You can also share the same facepack as well.
#778974 [FM24.4] Japan League System (Level7) & J.League 2024 Real fixtures
Added two more
Ola Solbakken - Urawa Reds
Douglas Tanque - Shimizu S Pulse
#778956 [FM24.4] Japan League System (Level7) & J.League 2024 Real fixtures
Hey I have added 5 more cut out faces for the missing new transfers -
Leo Gomes - Jubilo Iwata
Welton Paragua - Gamba Osaka
Guilherme Parede - Kashima Antlers
Aleksandar Cavric - Kashima Antlers
Ze Ricardo - Kawasaki Frontale
They were already in the main Cut Out pack but under different UIDs. So I found them and renamed the UIDs.
Also it seems Welton, Parede and Cavric have CB as their positions. And Leo Gomes, DM, has ST as one of his playable positions. Not sure if it is just me.