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#741917 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Yeah, love them a lot!
#741306 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Hi everyone, I would like to make a request
Can you help me with some kits for AIK?
Kit manufacture: Umbro, Nike or Puma, whatever you like the most
Primary Sponsor: Telia
Secondary Sponsor: Spotify
Home Kit: Black with details in yellow
Away kit: White with some details in dark blue and yellow
Third kit: Dark Blue with details in gold
Forth Kit: Yellow with details in blue (something based in the sweden national team)
As for the design feel free to do whatever you want
Thanks in advance guys!
#679056 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Thank you mate, they are awesome.
#678962 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Hi everyone, I would like to make a request
Can you help me with some kits for VfL Wolfsburg?
Logo: I recently found this searching for some redising (this team need that a lot). Only if you are able to used, if not the actual logo it´s ok
Kit manufacture: Nike or Puma, whatever you like the most
Sponsor: Volkswagen
Home Kit: Bold Green with Dark Green
Away kit: White with some details in Bold Green with Dark Green
Third kit: Dark Blue with Bold Green
As for the design feel free to do whatever you want
Sorry if something it´s lost in the traslation, english it´s not my first language.
Thanks in advance guys!