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#613055 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Ooopss... I am sorry, my bad.
It looks like the first one is not a bug or missing button. You are right @flut. I never use the default skin so I don't know about it, I always play with your skin since the past FM ^_^
I tried it this morning with the default skin and it is the same, after the pep talk, if we go to tactics we cannot go back to pep talk. I think SI should make this possible like in FM20.
Thank you
#612879 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Is this skin doesn't have button to go back to pep talk before the match and in half time after we move to tactic page? Or maybe I missed it because I can't find it?
And I don't know if this thing about player's physical condition is a bug or not. In tactic page or team selection before start the match, when I hovering the mouse over the little information icon between the kit and player's name, it show the actual physical condition of the player
But after the 1st pep talk and in match, the physical condition only show 1%
Is this a bug or not?
Thank you and stay healthy everyone.
#611273 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Thank you for the great skin again for this year.
I have a problem where the name & number on the player shirt are too big, they show up in end of season summary / commercial summary. But they fit OK in the player profile page.
Any suggestion how to fix this?
Once again thank you
#578168 Italy - Serie A 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (05/05/21)
Forza Inter !!!
#578149 Italy - Serie A 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (05/05/21)
Thank you for all the great work.
I think what they meant for Inter Milan kit is that the home kit sock's color should be blue with black top, the away short should be white and the third kit's sock is black
I've searched at the 3D forum and a user named Frank Horrigan already made them all 3 kits. Maybe you can include it in the pack?
Thank you, keep healthy.
#558123 FM 2020 Manager Picture
I don't know if this is the right place to ask about this but I hope somebody can help me.
So after I get bored with my old save, I start a new game, I chose the same manager profile, but my "avatar" doesn't show up in profile page, instead it shows my computer profile picture.
What should I do so the manager picture will be the 3D manager face? In my first game save I recall something like this happened but I forgot what I did to make it works but it worked well even when I change the appereance (glasses, hair, etc) the manager picture shows like how I change it. I already tick the option in preferences to use generated picture and reload the skin but nothing happened.
Thank you
#558064 FM 2020 FLUT skin dark - Version 2.2
I don't know if this is the right place to ask about this but I hope somebody can help me.
So after I get bored with my old save, I start a new game, I chose the same manager profile, but my "avatar" doesn't show up in profile page, instead it shows my computer profile picture.
What should I do so the manager picture will be the 3D manager face? In my first game save I recall something like this happened but I forgot what I did to make it works but it worked well even when I change the appereance (glasses, hair, etc) the manager picture shows like how I change it. I already tick the option in preferences to use generated picture and reload the skin but nothing happened.
Thank you
#466958 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Could someone help me make 3D kits for FM19 from this fantasy kit?
Thank you
#466763 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Could someone help me make 3D kits for FM19 from this fantasy kit?
Thank you
#466760 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Hi @bolid74 , if you have time, could you make tutorial how to make this nike fast fit vapor kits? Especially with all the sleeves detail on Tottenham's kit (and other nike fast fit kits)
I tried it with the template you've made but I couldn't make the exact sleeves detail...
Thank you so much (and sorry for my bad english)
#425542 Ball 3D for FM18
#287004 Germany - Bundesliga 3D'2015/16 Relink! (02/04/15)