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#745865 Rami Kaib
Joakim H.W.
Removed the “leaving at the end of the contract” status which was wrong.
#744649 Besfort Kalludra
Joakim H.W.
“ÄFF plockar även in offensive mittfältaren Besfort Kalludra.”
#744647 Grace Tanda
Joakim H.W.
#744091 Axel Wallenborg
Joakim H.W.
Saw that the source article misspelled the club name “IK Karlstad”. It's actually "IF Karlstad Fotboll" as this article says: https://fotbolltransfers.com/nyheter/officiellt-karlstad-fotboll-lanar-axel-wallenborg/172671
#743728 Benjamin Örn
Joakim H.W.
Signed a senior contract.
#741828 Kalle Holmberg
Joakim H.W.
#741827 Liiban Abdirahman
Joakim H.W.
This specifies a contract spanning over the 2027 season:
#741672 Alexandar Mutić
Joakim H.W.
#741278 Frankline Okoye
Joakim H.W.
Unsure why it says “description not available”.. It should say “released”.
#740719 Frankline Okoye
Joakim H.W.
Released from club.
#738509 Johannes Selvén
Joakim H.W.
I don't know if the changes I made came out right. What I tried to achieve was to terminate his loan.
#738452 Jamie Bichiș
Joakim H.W.
Player signed a senior contract.
#738450 Carl Johansson
Joakim H.W.
This article specifies at the bottom that the new contract will end in the summer of 2026:
#737591 Alexander Michel
Joakim H.W.
I noticed the last entry has faulty dates.
#737465 Hadi Noori
Joakim H.W.
Klubi 04 is HJK's reserve team.
#737464 Alexander Michel
Joakim H.W.
This article specifies a contract lenght of 1 year:
#736854 Albin Hjelm
Joakim H.W.
Player signed a senior contract.
#736853 Albin Sporrong
Joakim H.W.
According to his Transfermarkt profile he was transferred to Östersunds FK, but according to the link used in the evidence it is a loan over the 2023 season with an option to buy.
So I used the transfer fee listed on Transfermarkt as the fee on the buy option of the loan.
#736851 Dennis Lindgren
Joakim H.W.
Player signed a senior contract.
#736850 Emil Masic
Joakim H.W.
Player signed a senior contract.
#736252 Jacob Ondrejka
Joakim H.W.
This article specifies a contract lenght of 5 years:
#735795 Elison Makolli
Joakim H.W.
Signed a senior contract.
#735794 Gottfrid Rapp
Joakim H.W.
Signed a senior contract
#735793 Sigge Jansson
Joakim H.W.
Signed a senior contract.
#735792 Charlie Axede
Joakim H.W.
Signed a senior contract.
#735788 Ihab Naser
Joakim H.W.
According to this article the contract expires after the 2023 season:
#735787 Philip Henriksson
Joakim H.W.
Signed a senior contract.
#735121 Andreas Berggren
Joakim H.W.
No longer the assistant coach. Replaced by Thomas Skärgård which isn't in the game.
#735120 Hampus Ragnelid
Joakim H.W.
The contract start date is unspecified but the article is written march 4th and is the first mention of the signing.
#735119 Filip Caselius
Joakim H.W.
The contract start date is unspecified but the article is written on march 4th and is the first mention of the signing.