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#178246 Frédéric Kanouté - Starting Again
#178244 The Real RockNRolla
Padoin is good at midfield and Guardalben save us "BIG" a couple of times. However, we are 15th on the table and more important, we are the 5th less ScoredAgainst team on SerieA.
#178125 Transfer Rumours 2014/15
In Latin.American press, the rumours says "Falcao" is the one leaving Monaco for R.Madrid. If that happens, there's no way they're selling James!... His last goal against Japan and first against Uruguay was "QUALITY"
#178123 The Last 16
#178003 The Real RockNRolla
Thanks for that! (ps. All Guy Ritchie's movies are on my favorites)
#178002 The Real RockNRolla
Thanks for the tip, i was getting annoyed by that...
#178001 The Real RockNRolla
One year passed away, no job, no team. Until September 14. Vicenza gave me the opportunity to show what i can do. Speaking truthfully, the squad is a bunch of guys that can run around the pitch like rats for cheese. First mission: To make them more like the Wild Bunch. Tight marking team, ultradefensive. Hard tackling. May not have the more talented, but they will become the most rough five-line defense on SerieA. The only way to mantain the team on top flight is obtaining as much points as i can home, away i don't care. If this happens, i may think on be here one more season.
"Now if you can master a tackle like that, there's no need for your opponents to hold up. They will open up like a fountain, full of spaces to make a long pass. No need for strong violence, no no. They're transported back to their childhoods. Putty in your hands. Ask the Parma Squad. Look, think they're back at school."
(Next Report on Six Months - Next Screen on English and much smaller, sorry for that, dont have much time between my job and college).
#177987 The Last 16
#177985 Luiz Suarez banned for 4 months
#177545 The Real RockNRolla
Venezuela is not a country whit loads of football players, "Real Footballers" i mean. Out of nowhere, a venezuelan man appers with tons of knowledge but zero experience. A guy who think that can understand about the game, the passion for a shirt, the devotion to a badge, the intensity of a derby, the fury of the "hinchada" singing songs about a dream.
His name is Carlos La Rotta and he wants only one thing. To be the Real Football Manager. Like a RockN'Rolla, "People ask the question... what's a Football Manager? And I tell 'em - it's not about trainings, youngsters, and transfer budget, oh no. There's more there than that, my friend. We all like a bit of the good life - some the money, some the cups, others the derby game, the glamour, or the fame. But a Football Manager, oh, he's different. Why? Because a real Football Manager wants the fucking lot."