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#797696 FM24 Challenge #1 - Ipswich Push for Europe
Budi Ferizqianto
I thought my first submission was rejected so I play it again, it turns out this time I managed to qualify for the Champions League thanks to Tottenham winning the Europa League and Manchester City only managed to get runner up of the Champions League defeated by Atletico Madrid. A grand total of 9 European spots is allocated to the Premier League!!
PS: I need to scroll down to show all of the game status, where should I send the second game status which include the in-game editor unused description?
#796793 FM24 Challenge #1 - Ipswich Push for Europe
Budi Ferizqianto
Managed to qualify for the UEFA Conference League on the last game week thanks to other result (Newcastle lost to Bournemouth away). I used the FIFAe feat FM World Cup winner formation 4-2-3-1 gegenpress with positive mentality in almost every game. After eight winless streak at the start of the game, finally I start picking up results thanks to outstanding goalkeeping by Arijanet Muric. Winter transfer Al-Nassr poached Leif Davis but I managed to replace him with Alvaro Fernandez (on loan from Benfica). Unfortunately in FA Cup, I lost to Aston Villa, after going down to ten men and managed to get to extra time.