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#436555 Home thread for the FM25 Cut-Out Megapack - 2025.03 OUT NOW [11/02/2025]
I made this face for use on our fansite, so it's nothing professional - but still better than nothing
#377312 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
thank you so much for quick reply
#377258 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#288005 Facepacks Release thread - NO REQUESTS
nothing is wrong with them, of course ... I just use them on biggest Czech website about FC Barcelona in player profiles section and I would like to update faces, because we are already in new season, but never mind - I am backing off now given the feedback from other users
well as I expect, you didn't get my point at all ... I haven't insult anybody for doing packs for these small clubs or complain, I just asked if there is some kind of problem (license, prejudice, whatever) with updating bigger clubs for uses beside the game itself, which I am not playing as much due to my limited free time ... plus last year, Barcelona new pack was released very soon, so there is my train of thoughts
#287748 Facepacks Release thread - NO REQUESTS
#269377 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
and new Argentina away kit as well, please - thanks in advance
#268966 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
can somebody do these kits? much appriciated
#248149 Shiny15 - Closed but New Logo see last post!!
#246620 Shiny15 - Closed but New Logo see last post!!
#246565 Shiny15 - Closed but New Logo see last post!!
#244048 Left back and a centre back
ad LB - Nicola Murru is very solid player or mentioned Santon sound like a good idea
#242703 Jan 2015 Transfer Window Update
#200249 Facepacks Release thread - NO REQUESTS
god bless your kids (even the future ones), man
#189308 Cool as Ice
Where else should I begin my new life path than in my birthplace?
Short introduction to new best club in Finland.
Our only two years in Ykkönen. In 2010 6th, next year 13th.
We will work on that.
Not bad for the start, but a lot of work in this area as well, that's for sure.
Our opponents from nearly bottom of the Finnish football. I mean there is club called FC Santa Claus in league below us. Really?
You know that it was coming. There are more important things to work on.
For example this.
... but enough chit-chat, let's go! Stay tuned.
#189050 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#189002 Shiny 14/15
however it hasn't got Shiny effect and white line all around logos ... it isn't perfect at all obviously (you can see little pixels of pink colour, which I used to cut out logo itself from that white background), but I think it is still better than having old logo
#170101 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
well in fact, yeah
on the other hand, I am propagating this work everywhere I can
#170055 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
#159567 Inter U19 playing Copa Libertadores Sub-20? What the ...
I also have Zanetti as my Football Director. But he had a preference, so it was easy.
That sounds interesting, I maybe reconsider co-ownerships.
#159431 Inter U19 playing Copa Libertadores Sub-20? What the ...
Yeah, I am pretty scared that Thonir will sack me because of him.
And about youngsters: it depends. For the first 4 years, I did not pay so much attention to my young team, so when good loan offer came to my desk, I accept it. I never used co-ownerships, however. In my first season, I try to resolve all this deals and buy 50% of decent ones and sell others (+ I bought Icardi in second season, as I wasn't sure how he will play). I don't like this concept.
Before and during fifth season, I cancelled all loan offers and let just players, who I have conversation with (about 4-5 players with 2 and a half stars at most). I also use some money and bought 4 youngsters by myself and let my Head of Youth Development (Thiago Motta) to buy some other talents. Then it was up to Cambiasso to set starting 11 and after that, I gave free transfer to those, who were left, with almost no value and nto so good potential. And it brings successes so far. For sixth season, I am going to bring two players to A-team.
And I agree that Italy has got a lot of really good players, in my opinion up to 24 years of age.
#159280 Inter U19 playing Copa Libertadores Sub-20? What the ...
It occurred to me too. Shame that I can't see all teams from previous years to confirm that, but never mind, I am looking forward to it. Cambiasso is doing miracles with them - first win in Torneo di Vareggio, then in their league group, semifinal of cup I think and now this.
#159273 Inter U19 playing Copa Libertadores Sub-20? What the ...
I am currently playing for Inter Milan, finishing 5th season and my Under-19 squad was for some reason qualified to group stage of Copa Libertadores Sub-20, as you can see below on the screen. Why? I think it is bug, because this competition is only for clubs from Amercia, right?
Thanks for replies.
#88180 Shiny 13 - New links and updated pack here at SOUSIE
thanks Hammer, nice job
#86286 Shiny 13 - New links and updated pack here at SOUSIE
#84692 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
and Uruguay too:
Home: http://www.fifa.com/confederationscup/matches/round=255207/match=300222469/photolist.html#2120437
Away: is already done
please, hurry up - the tournament is almost over and I want to have completed review of it on our site
#83887 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Home: http://www.fifa.com/confederationscup/matches/round=255199/match=300222458/photolist.html#2111740
Away: http://www.fifa.com/confederationscup/matches/round=255199/match=300222467/photolist.html#2114466
Home: http://www.fifa.com/confederationscup/matches/round=255199/match=300222457/photolist.html#2116184
Away: http://www.fifa.com/confederationscup/matches/round=255199/match=300222462/photolist.html#2110931
if you can make them without badges on sleeves and as soon as possible, it would be really appreciated
#83451 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Home: http://www.fifa.com/confederationscup/matches/round=255199/match=300222458/photolist.html#2111740
Away: http://www.fifa.com/confederationscup/matches/round=255199/match=300222467/photolist.html#2114466
if you can make them without badges on sleeves and as soon as possible (away one is good enough, I need it for them for my review of yesterday match to one fan-site), it would be really appreciated
#81583 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
download the XML file above my post from ayaya000 and place it in ads folder in documents
#81352 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
#81221 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
I am using non-clubs adboards and I am playing for Barcelona ... here is the thing - I can see La Liga and Copa del Rey adboards, but I can't see Supercopa and Champions League adboards
is anybody experiencing the same? help would be really appreaciated