bossmac001 - Comments

#733809 Global Super League V2.23 "23.4 database"
4 years ago
3 weeks ago

The jersey number cannot be set by yourself. I hope to fix this.

#733177 Global Super League V2.23 "23.4 database"
4 years ago
3 weeks ago
By DavidCarter 25 March 2023 - 11:31 AM UTC 

I'll double check but I “should” have taken away all the loan rules across all leagues in the latest update.


I'm aware of the recalling of loans at any time, haven't looked at fixing as of yet but I'll try and find a solution for that 👍🏻


I am very looking forward to your third version, and will reopen it when you release the third version. thank you

#733126 Global Super League V2.23 "23.4 database"
4 years ago
3 weeks ago
By DavidCarter 24 March 2023 - 21:08 PM UTC 

I may, just may have sneaked in a mini UCL/Europa League style comp into the database.

Premier League and Championship together “64 teams”
League 1 “80 Teams”
League 2 “80 Teams”

League 3 “80 Teams”
League 4 “80 Teams”

Group stage: 16 groups play each other once, top team goes through to last 16 then 2 legged ties till the final and nice juicy prize money to play for.

The only small niggle i have is that Prem/Champ teams start in January, the others start in October BUT the fact that one is in place without fixtures overlapping or any Saturday/Monday/Wednesday gameweeks, I'm delighted about.

I'll test it out first but hopefully, A update will come out soon.

Also added awards for the Global Premier League


I hope that the top leagues can have registered places on loan, otherwise some potential new stars will not play and practice football. Also, the current loan can be recalled at any time. When I use it, I can conduct transfer transactions at any time. I don't know if anyone else has this situation

#733071 Global Super League V2.23 "23.4 database"
4 years ago
3 weeks ago
By DavidCarter 19 March 2023 - 15:03 PM UTC 

I've started working on a cup for Prem/Championship A/B “64 teams” 8 group of 8 teams, play each other once. top 2 in each group go to last 16 “2 legged ties" all the way to the final at Wembley.

If it works without any fixture congestions, i will then pass this competition system down to each tier from Div 1 to Div 8 will compete in their own cup competitions.

Also, I've now added VAR and Goal Line Tech to every division and adjusted the premier league TV money to 75 million per club.

It may take me a few weeks to complete this but I can't wait to finish it!




If allowed, I would also like to make two suggestions, including adding some competition awards, and setting a transfer deadline. In short, this patch has become more and more perfect.

#732715 Global Super League V2.23 "23.4 database"
4 years ago
3 weeks ago
作者:DavidCarter 2023 年 3 月 19 日 - 下午 15:03 UTC 

我已经开始为 Prem/Championship A/B“64 支球队”8 组 8 支球队设计杯赛,互相比赛一次。每个小组的前 2 名进入最后 16 场“双腿平局”,一直到温布利的决赛。@@如果它在没有任何赛程拥堵的情况下发挥作用,那么我将把这个比赛系统传递到从 Div 1 到 Div 8 的每个级别将参加比赛在他们自己的杯赛中。@@此外,我现在已经将 VAR 和 Goal Line Tech 添加到每个部门,并将英超联赛电视转播费调整为每个俱乐部 7500 万。我可能需要@@几周时间才能完成,但我等不及了完成它!


I am looking forward to your next update. If you can add another cup game, loan players, and solve the problem of player value, then this will be the best league database patch in my opinion. "It would be even more perfect if the default language of Luxembourg could be changed to English, and now all players are required to learn Luxembourg.". (Machine Translation)

#732583 Global Super League V2.23 "23.4 database"
4 years ago
3 weeks ago
By DavidCarter 18 March 2023 - 20:16 PM UTC 

Hey Boss, I Agree that only having 1 cup competition kinda sucks a little bit. If I can reschedule the season a little, I may be able to squeeze a division cup “UCL/Europa league style” across each division so every team has something that they can compete to win something!

First half of the season is quite intense with the world cup getting in the way, so on the alternative weeks of the Super cup in the 2nd half of the season will be the most likely to fit something in.


"I'm very happy to see your reply. If we can add a cup match to give lower level teams hope of winning the championship, then this will be a great database.". Thank you for your hard work.

#732421 Global Super League V2.23 "23.4 database"
4 years ago
3 weeks ago

The competition schedule is a bit small. If you choose a weaker team to be eliminated early in the cup, I hope you can add one or two more events.