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#532715 How Secure is My Job?
#470319 Disable First Transfer WIndow Issue
A couple of weeks later I looked at signing another couple of players and for some reason every time I click on 'make an offer' or 'approach to sign' I get a message box saying Gateshead are unable to sign players during this transfer window. It wasn't an issue two weeks before! Any ideas what the hell is going on!? I haven't had a message regarding an embargo, etc, so like I said - I'm stumped! Any and all advice greatly appreciated.
#428757 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#405140 2d EA kit style
I'm not on my PC right now but will try and put some up next time I'm playing. You'll have to take my word for it for now - they do look right at home!
#405134 2d EA kit style
Just loaded the Bayern kits in to the game and they look stunning! Very very similar to the FM kits and the resolution looks fine as well. Can't wait to see what the rest look like!!
#405078 2d EA kit style
Legend! Thanks very much.
#405071 2d EA kit style
Perfect! Exactly the leagues I'm after as well. How long will they take to sort? I know that's me being pushy so I apologise, I'm just dying to start a career with Bayern!
#405006 2d EA kit style
I think this would be perfect for the new FM. I've been desperately searching for kits similar to the new style and this looks the closest yet. Go for it!
#389565 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
RB Leipzig 16/17 kits.
#360697 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
#355902 In Game Editor Question
Does anybody know how to change a team's nickname using the in game editor? I've not been able to do it in the past and was wondering if this year was any different. I've got a save as Valencia and they're known in game as 'Los Ches' despite the fact their nickname is 'Los Che' - only minor I know but I'm picky like that!
#342798 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
Thanks again in advance!
#342593 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
That was quick!! Thanks very much, they look quality!!
#342557 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
#335251 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
Poland home and away kits.
If anyone has the Adidas template for the new Germany/Spain/Belgium kits I could do those as well.
#335159 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
Thanks for the template. Had a go at the England kits - never made a kit before so let me know what you think!
#334827 Standard Template Kits FM2017 Thread
#334358 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
France Home and Away
Spain Home and Away
Germany Home and Away
Italy Home and Away
#334175 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
#305457 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
Hi guys. Any chance somebody could have a go at these Blyth Spartans kits please? Thanks in advance.
#276125 Premier League Kitpack for FM 05, 06 and/or 07?
#275690 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
#271393 Chinese Super League
Top job, thanks very much!!
Do you know if there is a kit pack in the standard style knocking about? The SS style looks nice but all my other leagues are standard style so in the interest of consistency it'd be good to keep them the same!
Many thanks.
#271131 Chinese Super League
Can somebody point me in the direction of kits/logos etc. for the Chinese Super League - had a hard look around but couldn't see much, which surprised me.
#271130 Chinese Super League
Can somebody point me in the direction of kits/logos etc. for the Chinese Super League - had a hard look around but couldn't see much, which surprised me.
#255506 FMRTE Question
Can anybody tell me if it is possible to edit players career history using FMRTE (i.e. appearances and goals, etc.).
I only ask because I've started a season with New York City FC in the MLS and they don't join the MLS until 2015 (as in real life). So I've simmed the 2014 season but despite the fact that I haven't played any games with them at all, my players have still racked up appearances, goals and ratings for some reason and I want to reset their stats to zero. If anybody could also shed light on why that is that would be a bonus!
Thanks in advance.
#255017 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
(Sorry, didn't know how to attach an image so just put a link to website instead!)
#252355 Kit Request
#251711 Standard Official Kits FM2017 Thread
#249469 Advice Desperately Needed!!
Just wondering if you could help me out? I've started a career with New York City FC in the MLS and it's bloody difficult! I've built a fairly decent team through drafts and trades (decent according to assistant reports anyway) and through pre season we won 2, drew 2 and lost 2.
Going in to the season, fitness was good but understanding of tactics was "awkward" still. Anyway I've played the first 5 games of the season, using a couple of tactics and tinkered line ups, and I've LOST ALL 5 GAMES!!
Anyway my question is - will it get any better?! I'm a reasonably experienced FM player, but I've never done one like this (i.e. with a completely new team). I'm hoping it's just that my team still have very poor understanding of one another because all of the players are new with NYCFC being an expansion team and all (they struggle with basic passing/defending in games for crying out loud!)
Any advice or reassurance would be greatly appreciated! I've put a heck of a lot of work in to building this team so really want to turn it around! Thanks in advance.