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#794884 FM24 "Increase Realism"- Megapack OCTOBER Update by Daveincid - No longer shared on sortitoutsi
I think most people would agree that it's quite unrealistic but okay if you can't take feedback you can just feel free to say so as well.
#794755 FM24 "Increase Realism"- Megapack OCTOBER Update by Daveincid - No longer shared on sortitoutsi
I did actually read everything but perhaps I guess I forgot about this part, anyway is it working as intended when the entire team goes mad every time someone doesn't get their contract wishes? I literally have players asking the most ridiculous contract and player importance contracts, and if they don't get what they ask for, no matter if they are a backup or not, the whole team goes beserk. I'm literally overperforming with my team winning week in and out and everyone's moral is completely red because I'm not giving in to some backup asking for a new contract. Maybe that part should go to a “hardcore FM difficulty”-mode and not a realism mod because paradoxically this is very unrealistic. There wouldn't be completely low moral in your team when you team is completely overperforming just because some backup isn't getting the contract they want, at least not in real life.
#794580 FM24 "Increase Realism"- Megapack OCTOBER Update by Daveincid - No longer shared on sortitoutsi
It doesn't seems to have fixed player valuations for me. Kolo Muani valued at £203m-£237m for PSG one season in after hitting only 17 league goals last season lol
#794431 FM24 "Increase Realism"- Megapack OCTOBER Update by Daveincid - No longer shared on sortitoutsi
Is there a way to increase realism in the sense of what players have hidden attributes? Cristiano Ronaldo having hidden attributes seems a bit silly. I'm in May 2024, didn't check to see if his attributes were hidden in the beginning of the game, but he should never have masked abilities. Players with high reputation should have unmasked abilities.
#794384 FM24 Random Potential Ability for all players
I don't quite understand this. Let's say Steven Bergwijn has 150 PA and 148 CA before installing this. Could his PA all of a sudden be 70 (because the description makes it sound like it's completely random from 1-200), or is it only giving a +-15 range on his 150 PA (i.e. 135-165 instead of 150 PA), and then what happens to his CA if the PA is now changed to 135 and his CA before the installment is 148? Since his PA is now only 135 doesn't that mean the CA is also nerfed to 135 PA i.e. the player is nerfed massively from the start of the game?