mshing80 - Comments

#419108 Changing Italian award names? Possible?
15 years ago
1 year ago
When starting my Italian save I applied a real name fix šŸ˜°

Now all the player awards in Italy are in Italian and as I do not know Italian I do not know what these awards are for mostly lol. 

I have uninstalled my game and documents file to remove the name fix file. 

In a new game the awards are still in Italian. I am unsure this is due to the name fix or if they are in Italian in fm vanilla? 

Does anyone know how to just change the language names of awards? Is it even possible?

#11125 looking for manager pictures
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hi all, i am looking for some good pics to use for my manager. I would prefer if they were generated like the regens. Iused to have some good ones a few years ago but now i have been seaching on the net for ages but cannot find anything,

can anyone point me to any website, forum thread that I might find what i am looking for

many thanks