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#804917 Ligue 2 BKT
New Ligue 2 BKT trophy unveiled yesterday.
Source : https://www.lfp.fr/article/un-nouveau-trophee-pour-la-ligue-2-bkt
#799168 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Technical Support Thread
Hello @Qvordrup firstly thanks for the great work! I am writing this message about an issue with French stadiums backgrounds. Last June, user pires120013 uploaded hundreds of background images at once of insides of French stadiums. Many stadiums already had inside images. While I understand and acknowledge that it is overall a great addition to the pack for stadiums that were missing images, numerous of his contributions were duplicates and/or replaced imaged of greater quality. Indeed, I had received 13 notifications that my contributions had been replaced. I see that @Humberto21 had already noticed the issue here. Among those 13, I have noticed the following issues:
If you would allow me, I would like to resubmit my contributions as I believe they are of greater quality. I had spent considerable amount of time to find the most appropriate and highest quality images and it is honestly a bit frustrating to see some of our contributions replaced by images of lower quality and sometimes incorrect. Please understand my motive is only accuracy and quality standards of this pack. Thank you for reading and for your consideration
#758072 Miejski
@Humberto21 Hello, thank you for your advice! I am new to uploading graphics here and was not aware this was an option 🙂
#757176 Fael Bouyabene
This is not Fael Bouyabene but Pierrick Fito :
Source :