billjones101 - Comments

#120748 England - Championship 3D'2013/14 New! (27/10/13)
15 years ago
10 years ago
I have PM beanboy, hope he will do .

Thanks dude
#119919 England - Championship 3D'2013/14 New! (27/10/13)
15 years ago
10 years ago
QPRs 3rd kit is missing. Great work though.
#99270 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
15 years ago
10 years ago
Hi Hammer9 - Love your FM graphics!

Could I please request fantasy Birmingham kits using the follow templates...

Birmingham logo

Home - Copy of Porto home (and Porto sponsor)

Away - Copy of Porto away (with Porto's home sponsor - MEO)

Third - Same design as third kit but with 2 shades of black instead of Purple (Porto home sponsor)

IF you can also do 3D kits, that would be amazing!

Thank you very much in advance
#61987 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
15 years ago
10 years ago
By hammer9 | Permalink | On 16 March 2013 - 21:06 PM
i rather you give me detail like everyone..can help us. and have a look (made by me) - here! )

Yeah, sorry, I was a bit vague there. Those kits look cool. I ended up downloading your great templates and had a play around. Thanks for making those available.

I'm managing Swansea at the moment and after season 1, it not being their century year, I decided to make a new set of kits for them. Basic Nike, thanks to your wonderful templates. Cheers.
#61393 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
15 years ago
10 years ago
Hi Hammer9 - Love the kits you do!

I too am a West Ham fan and long for a few fantasy kits to make me more inclined to actually stick with West Ham on FM.

Would you mind kindly creating a few different Nike West Ham kits, away kits to much current colours. I noticed a few further down the thread but I'm looking for something nice and simple. Few options would be wonderful.

Thanks in advance! Greatly appreciated.