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#708612 Future Start Database
FM23 is out so i don't believe that anyone will do anything about this.
#703433 Future Start Database
Hi! I came here to ask if there is a way to change subs rule in your future start database, i'm asking because i can change it playing with the normal database or if i don't choose your league (for example Portugal, when i choose that it keeps the 3 subs with 7 bench players, but if i don't choose that and make my alterations it shows 5 subs from 9 but the problem with that is if i start with the future date it don't show the results of the real life but it simulates a season, which means for example Benfica finished third in real life, here finished first) i've looked at your file, went to advanced rules, but in the league i can't see the option to change the subs rule…