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#634732 Loaning Wonderkid out overseas.
Faris Mee
My wonderkid I bought for Leeds needs to go out on loan. However just about every team in the USA are chipping in with a Loan Offer. Will he still qualify for home-grown English trained by going overseas to the USA for the season?
#634406 Change club's name
Faris Mee
Oh-oh. I'm a pensioner taking up FM to while-away the time. I cannot find the folders where to adjust team name.
Can find anything like the location in the help thread
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\tools\football manager 2009\data\db\900.
My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2009\db\DATABASE_NAME. Then for EDT and DDT files go to the edt folder and put them in there
Here's my dead end locations. What am i doing wrong?
#634289 Change club's name
Faris Mee
The game is a DVD. And yes. Save Launched. Day one. And Steam's involved somehow.
#634282 Change club's name
Faris Mee
Oh-oh. I'm lost at step 1.
x86 > Steam > steamapps > sourcemods only folder in here.
No sign of “common\Football Manager 2021\data\database”
#634274 Change club's name
Faris Mee
Well this is good news. So how do I do that?
"CLUB_NAME_CHANGE" [ClubID] "[Intended Club name]" "[Language]"
e.g. "CLUB_NAME_CHANGE" 45015071 "N-League All-Stars" ""
I'm not experienced with any of this stuff. Can you jot down some easy step x step “how to”instructions?
#634261 Change club's name
Faris Mee
Can I change the name of an existing club & stadium via the FM21 editor before I commence a save?