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#632300 Having trouble selling a player
Vittorio Della Valle
Hi there, have a problem that's really bugging me
So I have a wolves save and I'm about to start my 3rd season. A chinese team comes for Jonny, who's been my backup right wingback behind Doherty, for 35m+5m in installments. After a failed attempt at convincing him to stay I tell him he'd be sold after I find a replacement
Fast foward a bit, I sign Frimpong as a replacement, but the deal is still put on hold as the game Jonny is a left wingback, despite me not playing him there for the whole season. So I try signing a left wingback from colombia, also gave him the same squad role as Jonny as I've read that could solve the issue, yet when that deal was completed Jonny's deal still hasn't come through and I get email'd to delay it even further.
Is there something I'm missing here?