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Deleted Account #1601149
#732262 [FM21] UEFA Revival 1.3 - Featuring the European Super League, FIFA Club World Cup, Oceania & much more!
Can't wait that would be great!...If you need help let me know.
#732261 [FM21] UEFA Revival 1.3 - Featuring the European Super League, FIFA Club World Cup, Oceania & much more!
Can't wait that would be great!...If you need help let me know.
#731989 [FM21] UEFA Revival 1.3 - Featuring the European Super League, FIFA Club World Cup, Oceania & much more!
Hi Carlito, will there be a UEFA Revival for FM23?
#731973 80s Style European Competitions ** Version 3.15 ** (23.4)
Hi Moriarty, could you make a version of the cup database including also the Intertoto cup and the Mitropa?...Please!