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#407814 3D 17-18 Download Pack update thread
Why are ManU wearing red socks??, and some players are wearing black socks on the arms....Strange!
#227824 3d kits Fm15
#226840 Skins artists have to update their skins after 15.2
All skins except the default skin, has disappeared after the latest patch....... All the lovely skins has to be updated by the skins artist. Please update your skins quickly, because many don´t wanna use the default skin!!!!!
#146836 Player info doesn't show between highlights
What have U done with the editor data files??????
#146709 Player info doesn't show between highlights
How did you fix this, because I have the same problem. It is not the only skin, that has this bug, after the new patch. Please help if U can!!
#132693 Steklo X4 [FM14]
Look at the link, just above your comment m8
#132426 Steklo X4 [FM14]
Check out this link: http://fmreport.simplygaming.org/t2010-scorpio-skin-v4-by-dazs8
It is the best skin ever made for Football Manager, and forget all about Steklo Skin, until it´s ready for release.
#129635 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
You proberbly have to check all areas of the skin flut, because SI has changed the code for skns in the new update. Yesterday Dazs has fixed all the bugs in the Scorpio Skin, after update 14.2.
#129634 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
You proberbly have to check all areas of the skin flut, because SI has changed the code for skns in the new update. Yesterday Dazs has fixed all the bugs in the Scorpio Skin, after update 14.2.
#127836 Steklo X4 [FM14]
Now you can get great skins for FM2014. and let Tom do his work with Steklo x4 in peace, until he is finish.
Merry Christmas everybody!
#125980 Steklo X4 [FM14]
Try this link...Great skin!
#125095 [FM14] [RELEASED] Alavanja 14 Pervection Skin (INSTANT RESULT) (+Update v1.4)
Thanks Marconni1985. Now the skin is just great!
#125000 [FM14] [RELEASED] Alavanja 14 Pervection Skin (INSTANT RESULT) (+Update v1.4)
I do not like the fonts in the player profile titlebar. How can I change it back to the old fonts? Great skin anyway!
#113334 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
Keep up the good work flut. I have patience to wait for the perfect skin. You did it in FM 2013, and I think you will do it in FM 2014
#113193 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
I have same problem. I have tried to update my Graphics driver, but still the same prob. And one more litte bug. You can only see the half of the head or logo in press conference screen...... But it is really an awesome skin. I will love to use it, when the full game is released.
#110303 FM14 first impressions thread
#110300 FM14: Black text on black background
There is only one thing to say..... Report this to SI Games!
#110033 New FM.. Same ****
Hello m8! It is only a beta. They gives us a chance to play the game, because they want us to respond to the bugs we see in the game. It gives SI a chance to fix as many bugs as they can, before the full release.
#109890 Elegans 2013
Why has this lovely skin not been released???????. I think it´s a shame!!!!!!
#102703 FMC FLUT skin for FM [released]
It doesn´t Work. I have changed the line, but nothings happen. I have clear cache and reload the skin, after I have changed the line in ^client object browser"
#102609 FMC FLUT skin for FM [released]
#98006 FMC FLUT skin for FM - DARK version
I have tried to use the Premier League scoreboard, but I got one and a half scoreboard. Do you know how change it, so it works??? I also tried with DazS8 scoreboard, and the same happens.
#97738 FMC FLUT skin for FM - DARK version
#97721 FMC FLUT skin for FM v 1.10 [released]
Works fine m8...Thanks!
#97687 FMC FLUT skin for FM v 1.10 [released]
I use 1920 x 1080 m8
#97369 FMC FLUT skin for FM v 1.10 [released]
Thanks flut......My problem was, that the pitch in the tactics screen, was in the middle, instead of the right side, were it normally is.
#97256 FMC FLUT skin for FM v 1.10 [released]
Is that a bug?????
How can I upload a screenshot to this forum?