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#635672 The Rise of: MAJOR LEAGUE SOCCER (current version: v2.1)
Yeah that makes sense. Quote reply to me whenever you're done, I'll be the first one (hopefully) to test it out and provide you some feedback. I've been looking for a good MLS pyramid system for a while now, so I'll be able to play this well.
#635622 The Rise of: MAJOR LEAGUE SOCCER (current version: v2.1)
I do not work with the computer whatsoever so I would say that I would be no help in helping you with the actual programming, BUT I can provide you with providing feedback on how it actually works because I am an American FM player. Just started my Lower-league MLS save and was bummed that I wasn't able to have any promotion, but I'll be giving this a try
#635173 Schweigi's Standard Logos
Thank you! and by the way, would this work on FM 21 Touch as well? I have the $30 version from steam. FM 21 Touch seems to have limited modding options, so I was just wondering. If this DOES work, does that apply for kits and juventus name fix/licenses as well?
#635118 Schweigi's Standard Logos
How do I load these packs in? downloaded all of them and have them under the graphics folder but can't seem to find somewhere where I can “activate it”