M0xl3y - Comments

#782954 Dublin Dons FM24
3 years ago
4 hours ago
By M0xl3y 19 May 2024 - 03:18 AM UTC 

i'm not sure what the issue is with the MK City Name reverting but the reason why the Dublin Dons can only qualify for europe through the Irish Cup is because the continenal comps nation in the editor is set to ireland, not england


so all anyone has to do is edit that in the editor and it should work

#782953 Dublin Dons FM24
3 years ago
4 hours ago
By renskay 15 May 2024 - 23:16 PM UTC 

I'll try to run some tests to see why there's a problem with European qualification.

With the MK Dons issue this happened on my last version of this DB as well with the name of Dublin Dons reverting back to MK Dons. 

Exiting the game and loading it back up sometimes gets it to load the name correctly but it could also be an issue with the file not being compatible with the latest update.


As I said I'll give it a check.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

i'm not sure what the issue is with the MK City Name reverting but the reason why the Dublin Dons can only qualify for europe through the Irish Cup is because the continenal comps nation in the editor is set to ireland, not england


#782633 Dublin Dons FM24
3 years ago
4 hours ago

are the dons meant to be in a vaduz type situation where they cannot qualify for europe through their league and have to do so through their home nation's cup? if so how can i fix it so i can qualify through the premier league? i ask because after my first match and win brought us to 3rd i noticed the euro spots got weird and then further noticed that we cannot qualify for europe through the FA Cup or Carabao. a more minor issue is that, at least in my game, MK Dons are still MK dons, not MK City. i don't mind personally but thought i should still bring it to your attention

#668716 [FM 22] US 10 Level, Canada 2 Level, and Expanded CONCACAF Databases
3 years ago
4 hours ago

Hello, i have a few questions i'd like to ask about this DB. first i was wondering if a version of the club championships DB could be released that could work with other american/canadian DBs. secondly i was wondering if a version of the american DB could be released with the teams having their IRL names instead of custom names. i do like the custom names but it's confusing when the Las Vegas Legends are named the Las Vegas Lights and The Las Vegas Lights have a custom name as well. thank you in advance for your response.