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#764795 Ultra Realistic NewGan Faces - AI Generated Facepack for Football Manager
Can I just say, I absolutely love this and it works at treat! Far better than very manual methods I've had to do in past FMs.
Little question, can I use this at all for press officers? I can't seem to get their UID like I could in previous years and I have a girl with a mohawk (not that there's anything wrong with that) just doesn't look very realistic. Was hoping to try and use it for them.
#761833 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
thanks for coming back to me and sorry, of course I should have posted screenshots. I'm trying to go through and see if I can establish a pattern between the missing people and the megapack part. My config file looks ok and also here are my paths and where it sits in my folder.
#761825 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Hi all at sortitoutsi,
First of all wanted to say thank you for all the hard work you do and the megapacks are great. I used to sift through and download everything and appreciate how much help it is putting it in one place. I for one am really grateful.
I do have a question, I have downloaded all parts of the megapacks and the latest change and put them in the correct place and I seem to have either lost or a number of photos do not exist - PSG and Mbappe et al seem to be a prime example. I wondered if it is a licence issue but it seems random (de Gea, non dutch/french league players) - I've looked at their id's and they don't exist in my faces folder - do I need to manually add them or go in and fiddle with the config file. I really wanted to avoid that as it risks messing up the 75% that are fine and what I've spent the time adding.
Wondered if anyone else experienced the same? I wondered if I had a “dodgy part” and re-downloading that would solve it.
#437398 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Thanks I'll let you know how I get on with them
#437382 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
First of all well done to hammer9 and generally everyone who creates any of the kits on here. They make the FM experience so much better and more authentic and it would be half the game without them.
I've just started a new save with the latest update and on the back of the World Cup thought I'd take the England job. But I've not got any International 3d match kits. Am I just missing where they are or have they not been created? I can guarantee anyone who can help will improve my chances of being a successful international manager as opposed to quitting because I can't watch the matches lol
#412147 FM17 Automatic Regen Facepack
#407166 FM17 Automatic Regen Facepack
#406899 ==== Belgium==== Kit complet Jupiler Pro League 3D'2017/18
#406444 Purchase not coming through
#406378 Purchase not coming through
#244865 National B teams
#238161 National B teams
Started a new save as England manager and everytime I propose B team friendlies they always seem to get rejected. Is this an England b team thing (as we don't really have one) or is this a glitch.
I wanted to use this as a step up for lower prem players eg: Ings, colback etc without just throwing them in.
Would appreciate anyone's experiences of this.