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#659830 Spain - Liga SmartBank SS'2021/22 Relink! (12/11/21)
Nikhil Jomon
i need help regarding barceelona as it showing only 1st and 2nd kits and third kit is missing .. help ??
#654334 FM21 Adboard Patch - V1.4 [22/09/2021] Update out now!
Nikhil Jomon
does this support FM22 BETA ?
#647824 Spain - La Liga 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (18/12/20)
Nikhil Jomon
Guys I am having an issue with 3d kits as i am managing real Madrid as it's not showing kits is there anyway to fix that and all other clubs kit are there but not reals
#646016 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Nikhil Jomon
I am using Gtx1650 and I have done everything as u mentioned still I have black ads showing but club ads are showing I mean that video ads that is Black
#645926 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Nikhil Jomon
Can Anybody Explain 6th process as I can't find it in my pc as I am using through epic games help?