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#747768 Site issues - reporting thread
jason fry
Not sure if its an issue with the site in general but I've been a premium member for a few years now and never had an issue with download speed, pay for premium and i received super fast downloads 🙂 but today every file i try to download is downloading at 200's kb's per sec ! literally saying it will take 18 Hr's to download a logo pack this surely can't be right ?
please get to me before i use my laptop as a frisbee.
#699605 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
jason fry
Good afternoon
This might be an obvious question that has been answered many time's so I'll apologies in advance.
I installed the skin last night on my laptop, added all stadiums, kits, cities, spent hours adjust the player shirt name and number, i switched it to side panel ( icons only ) but the only issue i am having now is on the CLUB INFO screen where you have 3 or 4 players in a box at the bottom of the screen they seem a little squashed as I'm missing parts of the first stars in the Rating / Potential rating.
Is there a way i can sort this out by editing something to resize the boxes or something, I am just really stuck as seem to have tried everything but determined to get it sorted as really love the design and spent hours editing it too my liking.
i play on full screen mode on laptop.
Any help would be appreciated