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#709778 Future Start Database
Ishan Shah
I found a solution to this!
There is a option to merge editor data files in the pre game editor. It will help to merge the data update files (Future start database) with our own custom editor files with edited substitution rules.
I have made my own custom editor files with edited substitution rules for almost all current nations, COPA and UEFA which I will attach in the end unless you want to create your own with other changes you want to merge.
Step 1: Go the the pre game editor and load one of the Future start database editor file.
For example you have loaded: sortitoutsi.net FM22 Future Start Date - Future Start Date - England.fmf
Step 2: Once the file is loaded convert to Advance Rules under the Rules tab.
Step 3: Now go the file tab click on Merge Editor Data (Database Changes Only) and select the custom edited file you have made for that nation or just use mine “England 5 from 10” or “England 5 from 12” as per your need. Remember the nations in both the files need to match otherwise it won't work.
Step 4: Now the editor data files have merged you need to test them. Click on Test Rules under the Rules Tab and click All. Wait for it to verify and then save the file.
Step 5: Repeat Step 1 to Step 4 for all the nations you want the substitution rules changes to apply.
Note: My files only have substitution rules changes.
I have edited rules for almost all current nations (even those which are not in the Future Start Date database changes) so you can use them in your new save to have all competitions to have a universal substitution rule or you can just uncheck them while starting the new save.
“Spain 5 from 12 + max sqd 30” is named like that because I have edited the squad registration rules for this file. Doesn't create any issues.
Hope this works for the people looking for this!
#707981 Cannot change substitution rules for future start database
Ishan Shah
Is there anyway we can change substitution rules for future start database?
I also tried to edit the substitution rules for those files in the pre game editor myself but I am unable to find it.
If I choose the editor data files included in the future start database then the files conflicts with other editor data files which are for changing substitution rules.
I searched the whole internet but it seems that there in nothing I can do currently.
Is it possible to have the future start database with the latest substitution rules (5 out of 10) in major leagues and European competitions?
I think you should integrate the latest substitution rules in the future start database itself because it is a must needed thing while starting a new save for the 2022/23 season.
Please do consider helping us in changing the substitution rules.
#707842 Future Start Database
Ishan Shah
Even I have the same question. If I choose the future start database then the files conflicts with other editor data files which are for changing substitution rule. I think you should integrate the latest substitution rules in the future start database itself because it is a must needed thing while starting a new save for the 2022/23 season. Please do consider helping us in changing the substitution rules.