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#637484 Anyone interested in creating missing 3D Kits for me? Happy to pay for it!
I am a big fan of African football, but unfortunately the continent is very underrepresented in the graphics work people have done. Especially 3D Kits are important to me, but there are very few African Club teams with original 3D Kits. I have created about 50 3D Kits by myself, but I don't have the time to do more since I have a time consuming business to run.
Therefore I wanted to ask: would any of you amazing kit makers be willing to do 3D Kits for African clubs? I would happily pay several hundred Euros for them (or even more, depending on the number of countries/leagues covered) because it's so important to me.
Starting with the big leagues Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, South Africa, but also Zambia, Nigeria, Angola, Cameroon, etc.
Anyone interested? Let me know! 🙂
#637461 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
deleted due to double post
#578313 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Awesome!!! Any more kits from Mali available somewhere? 🙂)
#574228 FM NewGAN Faces V1
Thanks! Do you know which video it was?
#569984 FM NewGAN Faces V1
Hi! So we are now enjoying the FM21 beta. Is this Project still ongoing? It is certainly one of the most exciting Projects for the new FM, and I would be curious to know if there is a light at the end of the tunnel? 🙂
#544428 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Man this is INCREDIBLE!! Thank you sooo much!
Any Chance you will also want to do African Club kits? It is such a shame that this continent is so neglected on FM, and I believe for the big leagues and clubs there it would be marvellous to have them wear their kits in the 3D game.
#543954 FM NewGAN Faces V1
I did it manually, because the ethnicity folders in the tool by above mentioned tool are still full of errors (lots of Asians faces in the Africa folder, lots of blonde whites in South East Asia etc.). So I manually created my own folders, with more granular ethnicities (e.g., White Latino (for countries like Argentina), Mixed/Black Latino (for countries like Brazl), Indian, etc....). Then I bulk renamed all pictures from 1 to X. Then I created the renaming pattern as described above, with the help of Genie Scout export and Excel, mapping each number from 1 to X to a specific ID. Then I ran the bulk renaming tool again to rename the files according to their IDs. Last step is then to use FMXML.
PRocess is quite straight forward if you know what you do. The only bottleneck is the actual availability of faces!! This is why GAN is so incredibly fantastic! If I would have 500,000 properly generated faces, I could link them into the game within within a lunch break.
#543309 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Yes - African Club Kits would be absolutely amazing! There are a couple of 2D Packs available for African league clubs, but no 3D unfortunately. Probably the big leagues like South Africa & North African countries would make sense first.
P.S.: I created a couple of 3D kits for clubs from Mali. But unfortunately they are for FM19.
#543145 Andorra - Primera Diviso SS'19-20 New! (12/06/20)
#543101 FM NewGAN Faces V1
Have you seen the new Regen Replacement Tool? Using this together with GAN faces would be amazing I believe! --> https://sortitoutsi.net/downloads/view/55026/samaroys-newgen-replacement-tool
There might still be a "manual" component if I understand correctly - sorting the generated faces into certain ethnicities (the regen replacement tool has distinct source folders named by ethnicity from which the pictures are pulled and mapped to relevant IDs). I believe this could be very well handled, especially if we combine efforts of a couple of interested helpers (would offer myself of course).
What do you think?
#542983 Samaroy's NewGen Replacement Tool
Cool, it works now. Thanks!
#542905 Samaroy's NewGen Replacement Tool
No, changed nothing! Just extracted the archive and directly tried to run the tool. :-/
#542793 Samaroy's NewGen Replacement Tool
Unfortunately, it does not work for me. I am getting "Error 9" (Runtime Error)
I am getting the same error on both tools! So it must be quite a fundamental thing.
Any help?
#542761 Facepacks Release thread - NO REQUESTS
Download here...
#542593 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Thank you sooo much! Was eagerly waiting for the Mali kits!!
#541331 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Yay!!! Finally 3D Kits for Africa. These are beautiful! African National Teams usually have the most spectacular kits. So great to see them in the game now! Thanks a million!
Will you do the entire continent?
#475032 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)