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#786393 Esequibia - A new country in South America!
Alan Brito
El sol de Venezuela nace en el Esequibo
#766977 FM18 Megapack 279 Updates by claassen (Final pack)
Alan Brito
can someone make conference league for FM17?
#705427 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Alan Brito
Hey. I'm having some problems with adding new faces to players. I got glitchy stuff. I re-scale the image to 180x180 png yet still having this problem. however some players seems work perfectly. I correctly added the commands in Config.xml but some are just glitchy images
BTW, I'm playing FM 16 and install the whole 8.0 megapack with their extensions
#705311 Horacio Matuszyczk
Alan Brito
Lmao, Remove.bg seems out and off. but thnx. 4 days ago I started using photoshop I'm just at the beginning of the beginning