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#744640 Splitting the DaM v1.2 Attacking FMRaw
Yes the DLP is the only player with instructions which should be included already if you download the tactic and that is to take more risk and more direct passing, you can not include these instructions in the DM position so you have to put him as a DLP De in CM add the instructions then move the player to the DM slot. "I do not know why this is not included in the DM position but this is a good work around.
The nature of the tactic I wouldn't add to many instructions as it will Limit the ability to play and the team instruction Width is narrow so there is no need to ask the IF Att to sit narrower as it will end up playing in the area we are looking to avoid.
Hope this helps and thanks for the question buddy.
#744370 FM23 Favourites but keep loosing - playing into opposition hands - Splitting the DaM
@weewhiskydram thank you for posting your results, I'm not surprised at the amount of games lost with a team like Leicester City and feel your league final position is because this tactic is really when you are the favourites to win the game.
for best results on FM you need a Plan A, B and C which is why I have posted the video that goes along with the tactic showing a Plan B
With a team like Leicester I certanly would not be pushing my Defensive Line high as teams in the Prem would counter this with ease so the league position for me on holiday mode seems like a fair outcome.
to beat the super six you need a more conservative low block to really get the best as demonstrated on my channel.
hope this helps.
thanks for reading.
FM Raw