eljova - Comments

#367638 Albert Stuivenberg
15 years ago
3 weeks ago
(he signed as head coach and I forgot to change his contract type)
#329416 New App - Start the season on any date
15 years ago
3 weeks ago
Hi !

First of all thank you for this awesome feature ! I wouldn't even dreamed of it

Anyway, I tried to encode the results in Belgium but it messes up the second division (we should have 9 relegates this season but it take only 4).
I tried to change it in the xml but it doesn't seems to work

I would understand if you can't help me but if you have any idea how I could fix this I would be grateful.
#278672 Johan Walem
15 years ago
3 weeks ago
Wrong Kortrijk, I've made a submition to the good one
#278667 Ahmed El Messaoudi
#212220 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
15 years ago
3 weeks ago
First of all, thank you for all your work here. I just spotted a little update in Belgium:

Royal Boussu-Dour Borinage (ID 216) is now called Seraing United and has a new logo:

#185842 FM2014 Live Data Update
15 years ago
3 weeks ago
There are other loans problems in the last update: at least Jo Inge Berget and Jason Buaillon have a loan date that start in the future and the game doesn't take it.
#185753 FM2014 Live Data Update
15 years ago
3 weeks ago
First of all, I wanted to thank you for this work. It's really good and I love the idea to allow the community to give easily the new official transfers.

But isn't there an issue with extended loan?
Per exemple, the loan of Alpaslan Ozturk (18032389) to Kasimpasa has been extended this season. The information has been accepted and is fully present in the update (data.xml). But as the "same" previous loan was wiped out in the basefile, when you create a new game, the player is not loaned out. The Basefile seems to have the priority for those loans.

Is there a way to fix this?
As I understand, those loans should have been done in the basefile directly.
Same thing with Nagai (45025032), Verbeek (37013183) and Zhukov (18060344)
#185453 FM2014 Live Data Update
15 years ago
3 weeks ago
First of all, I wanted to thank you for this work. It's really good and I love the idea to allow the community to give easily the new official transfers.

But isn't there an issue with extended loan?
Per exemple, the loan of Alpaslan Ozturk (18032389) to Kasimpasa has been extended this season. The information has been accepted and is fully present in the update (data.xml). But as the "same" previous loan was wiped out in the basefile, when you create a new game, the player is not loaned out. The Basefile seems to have the priority for those loans.

Is there a way to fix this?