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#689187 [FM22] AroundTheGlobe - Megapack by DaveTheEditor
Achmad Syarief Hidayatullah Amiruddin
hope you add French lower league db
#686332 Journeyman
Achmad Syarief Hidayatullah Amiruddin
#685770 Journeyman
Achmad Syarief Hidayatullah Amiruddin
Back to back Promotion
#684851 Journeyman
Achmad Syarief Hidayatullah Amiruddin
What a way to secure a promotion. invincible season
#682578 Journeyman
Achmad Syarief Hidayatullah Amiruddin
one thing that I hate about surprise promotion is if you're not well prepared, you got relegated very easily. that's why I decide to move to Ceuta although it's too early to resign from Como
#682575 Journeyman
Achmad Syarief Hidayatullah Amiruddin
First Journeyman Season. got surprise promotion
one of them crushing Parma in the Process
First Season Review
#679062 Schweigi's Standard Logos
Achmad Syarief Hidayatullah Amiruddin
Gimpo FC, new logo (ID 66032900)