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#798817 Players not appearing in squad but they're updated on the site.
I installed that as well, but it still starts the game in 2023. Maybe it's just a J League problem
#798718 Players not appearing in squad but they're updated on the site.
I'm using the Epic Games version.
Not sure what screenshots I can send, the database works. Every transfer I can think of from Europe is there in-game, but, for example Lucas Fernandes (who signed for Cerezo Osaka in July I believe), is still at his old club.
It looks like it's only a Japan problem? The transfer appears when you search up Lucas Fernandes on this website, but in-game nothing
#798656 Players not appearing in squad but they're updated on the site.
I'm trying to do a Cerezo Osaka save on FM24 with the data update and none of the real-life transfers happened, but when I check for them on this site's database, they're in the correct squad. Why is that?