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Deleted Account #1778687
#680347 From Tier 10 to ??? (Come give advice/just say hi!)
List of goals today
Look for an affiliate club if possible(Got shot down quicker than Abe Lincoln at the Theatre)UPDATE: I did amazingly well at this so far, I passed out then had to re-download my game because I am an idiot…
#680330 From Tier 10 to ??? (Come give advice/just say hi!)
Welcome to my Career as the manager of Bedford FC aka BitCoin FC (If you know, you know)
I am going to take a couple hours just setting up the game adding some packs and then I am ready to go.
If you drop by and see this, post and say hi, so I know this is worth doing as starting in Tier 10 is, well, more of a punishment sometimes lol
I will post as much as I can and anyone with any advice/questions/anything else, feel free to drop a post.
#680311 The great Bedford FC: Tier 10 to Champions League? o.O (Come say Hi!)
#680305 The great Bedford FC: Tier 10 to Champions League? o.O (Come say Hi!)
I am an old FM manager returning after a few years to see what I can do with the Tier 10 data pack and my (current) hometown team of Bedford FC.
Hopefully I am posting in the right area, and if anyone has any tips for me as I am out of the loop: let me know!
I will post screenshots and such of the team and their history (lack of) soon
EDIT: I will be nicknaming this squad BitCoin FC (Those who know, know 😉)