redgriff - Comments

#797146 Cannot properly resize club logo
15 years ago
1 week ago

I have removed the background of the image before I resize it.


It seemingly resizes but when I paste the image into the club logo folder, it remains smaller than the pre-loaded club logos.


At a loss here.

#797053 Cannot properly resize club logo
15 years ago
1 week ago

I've downloaded a logo pack - no issues here.

I wanted to upload my own Manchester United club crest (one from the 1980s) and that loads up fine. 


What I'm having difficulty with is no matter what I do to resize the image, it remains quite small compared to other logos. I can only seem to get it so big. I've tried other club logos with the same issue.


I'm aware there's a man utd club badge you can download for FM but ideally, I wanted an old school united badge.


Any ideas on how to easily resize the logo in line with FM ones?