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#793082 53y old GK coach incorrectly flagged as player
Jarkko Heino
Is there a better place to report this to get it fixed for unofficial SortItOutSI FM2024 database update?
I have my doubts concerning FM2025 with Unity engine and I’m quite sure I’m staying with FM24 for quite a while.
#793068 53y old GK coach incorrectly flagged as player
Jarkko Heino
My save is not the problem, I guess he’ll retire from player duties very soon anyway.
My report was meant for FM24 database update team as requested bug to fix in future updates.
#792901 53y old GK coach incorrectly flagged as player
Jarkko Heino
Piacenza's goalkeeping coach seems to be incorrectly flagged as player:
Not sure if this is a bug in SI's or SortItOutSI's database though.
Additional links showing the faulty position:
Alessandro Vitrani - Football Manager 2024.3 - FM24.3 - FM2024.3 (fminside.net)
FM24 Alessandro Vitrani - Football Manager 2024 (sortitoutsi.net)
#792077 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Jarkko Heino
Well, believe it or not I actually read the instructions and took a look at the alt files before posting.
I'm under the impression, that the resolution guidelines might not have been updated for Windows 11.
I'm using an 4k monitor, and when using the adviced ‘windows’ screen setting with 200% zoom, the skin is much too zoomed in (and the window too small, only like 60% of the screen area, looking like this:
If I stretch the window to cover full screen (nothing in the instructions implies you should do this, however) it's only slightly better - the font is still too big, the logo obstructs panel text, some of the stats get obstruvted as well etc.
Disregarding the resolution instructions and using the skin full screen with 125% zoom (4k monitor) it looks significantly better, but as you can see, the number on the shirt is still gigantic in size.
I also deleted my previous kit pack and started using the special FC'12 version made for Flut Skin, but as you can see, the shirt number problem is still there.
You might have noticed I also presented another question, if it could be possible to get rid of the shirt in player profile alltogether and admire the picture of the player in action. As it seems, there are some options in the dropdown menu, but all of them just seem to get rid of the picture, not the shirt.
#792026 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Jarkko Heino
Any idea what might be wrong with my settings?
The player number for the shirt seems to be wrong size.
Also, is there a way to disable shirt from this view alltogether to wholly appreciate the player-in-action picture?