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#765598 Greece - SuperLeague 1 2023/24
My only guess so far is, the fmf file, since it is basically a database, takes precedence over the name fix. Just a theory. Thanks for your reply and work!
#765588 Greece - SuperLeague 1 2023/24
I would like to report 2 issues if I may:
#758283 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 3D'2023/24 Relink! (20/11/23)
Would I need the editor to load the fmf file (which hopefully releases today) or are there any other steps I would have to do? Thanks for your reply
#758264 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 3D'2023/24 Relink! (20/11/23)
Hey, not sure if it has something to do with the kit colors fmf file not being loaded since the FM 24 Editor is not out yet, but I've noticed Man City 3D kits (for me 2D as well), won't show in the Premier League games. You can see them in every other competition and in the club info panel, but not in the PL/ https://i.imgur.com/YeYfUEZ.png
#695819 Spain - Primera Division La Liga 3D'2021/22 New! (01/10/21)
That is a weird issue, so, with the help of the in-game editor I managed to add (more like enable, since the kit is included in the packs) Barcelona's 3rd kit in the game. https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/51WiAr7dTyL9oRf9ThjL9xAkCpfTcRaW2OdATpCA.png Only issue so far is I don't have the chance to see if it actually works in matches since I am currently at my second season and I've never actually seen it picked for any match. Is there a quick workaround for this?
#362981 3D 16-17 Download Pack update thread
#356424 Spain - La Liga 3D'2016/17 New! (06/09/16)
#349122 Russia - Premier Legaue SS'2016/17 Relink! (01/04/17)
#302614 England - Premier League 3D'2015/16 Relink! (18/02/16)
Any idea why or how to fix it? If I can recall there was a similar issue with FM 2015 but it was fixed after a patch