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#805317 🎉 Happy Birthday Sort It Out SI - We are 21 years old today - Here's the story of our origins, when SI tried to rewrite Championship Manager and wound up delaying the game till March...
A fantastic read, thanks for all you do.
#795476 FM.Z Tools - Tool for creating config files for Ultra Realistic Newgen / Regen Faces (URAN Facepack Installer)
That worked! you legend thank you
#795387 FM.Z Tools - Tool for creating config files for Ultra Realistic Newgen / Regen Faces (URAN Facepack Installer)
I am getting the same issue as @kitcub. I am following the whole process correctly, but when i click on replace faces at the end nothing happens… could this be a new issue with the tool? did you have any luck in the end?
#735498 FM23 English Lower League Database - Level 15
I noticed this too and it was driving me mad, then I realised it's because the creator of this download has changed the name to premier division on the editor file. Which is a strange thing to do. You will need to go in to the pre-game editor and take that change out of the download data.