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#812259 Garabito
Daniel Salazar
This club is currently called San Carlos FC, that Garabito logo is outdated. Last name was Jaco FC
#812258 Golfito
Daniel Salazar
This is not the same Golfito, the previous logo was the correct one used when the team dissapeared. AD Golfito Zona Sur is a different team.
#797689 Stefanestii de Jos
Daniel Salazar
No, that is not my blog. Mine is https://bibliotecaescudos.blogspot.com/ and yes the logos are free to download but if they are uploaded in another site without consent or crediting the original author it is considered plagiarism. I spend a lot of time and sometimes money redrawing them. I already reached an agreement with @bakizp so everything is solved.
#797675 Stefanestii de Jos
Daniel Salazar
Hello Bakiz it seems like you're using logos from my website here. Please credit me whenever you take any logo or I'll make my blog private