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#798876 FM24 Challenge #1 - Ipswich Push for Europe
Great fun! I rushed through the challenge and think I got a bit unlucky with some of the results around me in the table + a few late goals against me.
I bought in Awoniyi, Suarez (Not Luis! but he did get a 3 match ban), Curtis Jones (loan), Bisseck, Nyamsi and Koulibaly. I also splashed all my remaining transfer budget on Lampety just to spend it, he wasn't taking Clarke out the team at RWB who was a beast!
I will try this again properly in a few days but for now… Silver isn't bad 🙂
#798833 FM24 Challenge #4 - Ronaldo: Record Breaker
My first challenge! Thanks for making these - they seem very fun. Didn't get gold but might go back and try again soon
I played all the games, holidayed in between and the league + cups when not important
I will be making a video which will go on my new YouTube channel ‘FM Challenges’ (@FMChals) (Video not out yet)